The given article speaks about the role of electronic textbooks and offers «iBooks Author» program, that is acceptable for University teachers and teaching centres.
Keywords: IP boards, iPad, iBooks, App Store, electronic books, 3D graphics.
Бұл мақалада ЖОО-ның оқытушылары мен білім алушылары үшін пайдасы болуы мүмкін электрондық оқулықтар мен ұсынылған «iBooks Author» бағдарламасының ролі қарастырылады.
Түйін сөздер: IP boards интерактивті тақта, iPad, iBooks бағдарламасы, App Store, электронды кітаптар, 3D графикасы.
В данной статье расскрывается роль электронных книг и представлена программа «iBooks
Author», которая может быть приемлимой для преподавателей вузов и обучающих учреждений Ключевые слова: IP boards интерактивная доска, iPad, iBooks приложения, App Store, электронные книги, графика 3D.
On 2006 year the President of Kazakhstan on his words said that in the future we must became «an electronic government». So that in Kazakhstan nowadays using electronic sledding became most important mission.
From preschools to universities, jobs everything has to be equipped with the latest technology. In preschools, schools, colleges, universities are listening, showing, watching, learning by IP boards, projectors, computers and Internet.
Teaching mathematics for students is not easy, it needs reviewing. Each topic depends on other, sometimes giving homework does not give a good results. Instructors could distribute annotation fi les for texts that make adaptations for special needs students, such as highlighting and providing graphic organizers, or the annotation fi le could contain specifi c questions for students to answer and return.
iPad inspires creativity and hands-on learning with features you won’t fi nd in any other educational tool − on a device that students really want to use. Powerful apps from the App Store like iTunes U and iBooks let students engage with content in interactive ways, fi nd information in an instant, and access an entire library wherever they go. And now with iPad mini, even more students can get their hands on iPad.
of this technologies will give a good performance, but now we need something which can fi x everything in it, which we can use not only at schools or university and also at home. For about four or fi ve years scientists have invented electronic books, which are really comfortable in usage .
Electronic books costs cheeper than paper books and does not needs a lot of scarfs and shelves. In the presence of the Internet, there is o problem with their delivery. But if electronic books will help to save a number of trees and keep clean the river − it is always welcome.
With engaging layouts, interactive images, 3D graphics, and more, a Multi-Touch textbook on iPad is one book students won’t want to put down.
A new kind of textbook. For a new kind of student. Students will now experience the most amazing textbooks they’ve ever read. They can fl ip through a book by sliding their fi nger along thumbnail images of the pages. If they don’t know the defi nition of a word, one tap takes them to a glossary or dictionary. No longer limited to a single picture to illustrate the text, now students can fl ick through a gorgeous photo gallery or dive into an image with interactive captions. They can use a fi nger to rotate a 3D object to show a human brain from every angle, or have the answer spring to life in an interactive chapter review.
A book they can call their own. Budget constraints force schools to use the same books year after year, long after the content is out of date. But with textbooks on iPad, students can get a brand-new version each year − for a fraction of the price of a paper book. They can discover and download iBooks textbooks from the Textbook section of the iBookstore directly to iPad.
Create your own iBooks Textbook for iPad. iBooks Author is a new Mac app that textbook publishers are using to design incredible mediarich books for iPad. And you can, too. Just download iBooks Author from the Mac App
In a class all by themselves. iPad apps are expanding the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom. From interactive lessons to study aids to productivity tools, there’s an app for every learner.
With iPad, the classroom is always at your fi ngertips. Right now at the App Store, there are more than 20,000 educational apps for all kinds of learners, teaching them everything from science to sign language. Students can track their assignments, take notes, and study for fi nals. Teachers can give lessons, monitor progress, and stay organized. And that’s just the beginning.
All the built-in apps on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen. With Safari, doing research on the web has never been easier or more intuitive. iBooks is an amazing way to browse, sample, and buy books. Mail lets you stay in touch and get things done. Use FaceTime and you can be right there − even when you’re not.
Available free on the Mac App Store, iBooks Author is an amazing app that allows anyone to create beautiful Multi-Touch textbooks − and just about any other kind of book − for iPad. With galleries, video, interactive diagrams, 3D objects, mathematical expressions, and more, these books bring content to life in ways the printed page never could.
Give your book a great beginning with templates. No need to let the blank page scare you. Just start with a beautiful Apple-designed template. Choose from a variety of styles, like classic textbook, cookbook, or photo book, in both landscape and portrait orientations. And you can choose from a variety of page layouts in each template, or create one of your own.
Building a book is as easy as dragging and dropping. iBooks Author makes it simple to add text, graphics, movies, and more, so your book looks exactly the way you want. Drag and drop a Pages or Microsoft Word document to the Book pane to add it as a new section. Then, when you drag and drop in images, your text automatically fl ows around them. (Image-1).
iBooks Author has everything you need to create a great-looking book. Add text, shapes, charts, tables, and Multi-Touch widgets anywhere on the page with a single click. Style your text down to the letter with custom fonts, write elegant mathematical expressions using LaTeX or MathML, and add video or audio elements to liven up the read. It’s as easy as using a word processor, but powerful enough to take your page beyond the written word.
Widgets add Multi-Touch magic to books with swipe-friendly photo galleries, animations that burst off the page, scrolling sidebars to linger over, Pop-Over widgets for an element of surprise, and engrossing 3D objects you can’t help interacting with. With iBooks Author, it’s easy to create a book that’s as fun to explore as it is to read. Add beautiful, interactive elements to your book with just a few clicks. (Image-2).
Accessibility built right in. iBooks Author lets you create books that people with disabilities can read and experience. The table of contents, glossary, widgets, main text, and more are built to automatically take advantage of VoiceOver  technology. Add accessibility descriptions to any widget or media − including movies and reviews − so those with vision impairments can use them.
Get the word out. When your book is just the way you want and you’re ready to publish, iBooks Author walks you through a step-by-step process to help you submit it to the iBookstore for purchase or free download. iBooks Author will even create a sample book for readers to preview, based on your chapter of choice. And to keep your work current, add updates by publishing new versions of your original title. iBooks will automatically notify your readers that there’s a new version of your book ready to download. You can also export your book in iBooks format to share on iTunes U or to give to anyone with an iPad. With this application you can work on Mac only. And your book can be read only on IPad. (Image-3).
Lots of doctors saying that there is also harm of reading electronic books. We can injure our eyes, if there is magnetic currents it may bring brain tumor, but if we will use this books by time breaking there shouldn’t be much problem. Because it is harmful for children to carry heavy books which may cause forming curvature of the spine, with topics which they have seen before and will see later. So there is no need to take them all by yourself. Its really interesting to use electronic books at learning societies, fi nding topic to repeat, pages to fi nd, remark or highlight, taking notes by learning these are giving more convenience for learner.
Performance of learner is also important because learners are not same. There are a lot of pupils, students which can always have teacher or can reach the place of learning, for this question online lessons and electronic books are the most wonderful achievement we had ever.
Lesson planning with the use of a textbook, based on technology of modular training meets the structuring of the learning stages in the logic of learning: perception, comprehension, memory, application, synthesis, classifi cation, control.
Here, an example:

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2 Аленичева Е.В, Монастырев П.В. Этапы создания электронного учебника // Высшее образование в России. 2001. − №5. − С. 103105.
3 Габай Т.В. Учебная деятельность и ее средства. − М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1988. − 255 с.
4 Гиляревский Р.С. Электронная книга: современное состояние и перспективы развития // Книга: Исслед. и материалы. 1997. − Сб. 74. − С. 51-61.

Казахский Национальный педагогический университет им. Абая Кафедра русской филологии для иностранцев
г.Алматы, Казахстан


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