THE MAIN TARGETS FOR LECTURER IN MODERN STUDY PROCESS («Какие задачи стоят перед современным преподавателем»)

(«Какие задачи стоят перед современным преподавателем»)

L.D.Talasbaeva –
Lecturer, Faculty of International Relations

The issues and questions described in our research are very important, valuable and quite urgent for today due to the fact that we live in a transitional period, when the old principles are not working now and the new strong standards still weren’t established. Sometimes we even do not know how to teach the young generation. Some of the old principles and concepts can’t be used already, instead new reality, new relationships and new concepts came into our lives.
It’s important for us to understand: what principles remains from the old education system and what are the new ones? What is the target for the lecturer, what is the aim to achieve? Is the education a conservative mechanism, or regularly changed and updated one, if changeable one, what is changing? If conservative mechanism, what remains constant? We will analyze the process of the lesson and the goals which modern lecturer have to achieve during the lesson, which direction to choose to assist student in his development.
There is a special course named “International organizations” which is studied in our faculty every year. As a lecturer who is conducting seminars, where students must find the material by themselves, to write a report, to highlight the main tasks, to make brief topics from all report, to make his own conclusion, I have to give not only the direction for student’s search, but also to define the strict frame of his task and help him to find the subject which he find interesting, especially nowadays when we have so many sources of information all around. The lecturer have to teach student how to work with many coming information and pick up the main points from all sources as it should be done according to worldwide education practice[1].
For example, in case of the report performance, the lecturer have to teach the student to prepare the concrete shape of the report and to make student to understand that well-structured report:
1) will help clearly and briefly convey the main points and conclusions to audience without digressing from the main subject;
2) good plan of speech will allow the listening audience to get good understanding about the subject and in case of necessity to allow the audience to make brief notes of main points of report [2];
3) the audience will be able to make the conclusion about the high level of preparation of the speaker and the exact compliance to the plan will allow to the audience to get good understanding of the subject.
In one word, lecturer’s main target is to teach the student to be professional in student’s field of interest. In addition, lecturer have to give an advice how to act in the student’s future profession, how to make the materials more interesting for audience, how to keep the interest on yourself and your subject, how to work with group of people, to keep their attention, how to do polemics and debate on rising questions, how to settle the difficult situations during polemics and again and again to be a professional and competent in the learning area. As only professional will always go forward, people will always listen to his advices and if he will show his good professional skills he will go upper and upper in his business career. Lecturer in the high education body is preparing the future elite and the future management of our country.
During the lesson, student gets not only the knowledge, but on the other hand, also passing some kind of school of life. In the classroom, during the work with the lecturer and his classmates, student have to make speeches for hundred times, actively participate in the classroom, easily ask interested questions, in order not to have any problems in the future, to feel free and do performance in any place and in front of any audience. On the lessons student polishes his skills to speak, to express his thoughts, to use the professional terms and words. Student must reach the high academic level of debating and theorizing, to be able to express his thoughts skillfully, informative and interesting, based on the facts, to be able to prove his conclusions and show the high level of his knowledge by using his perfect oratorical skills.
Finally, the above points are the most important for lecturer and should be the main targets in development of the students. Therefore, the lecturer should be the professional by himself and also have high standards as a person and as a lecturer and be the model and good example for his students, try to become a guide to the world of high scientific ideas. Lecturer have to make student to be curios and interested and also to convey his own love to science to students. Lecturer also have to pull up the level of student, to make them think and to make them change themselves, to improve their professional skills and academic vocabulary, to improve their manner of speaking. To keep the high level of polemics in professional area, to be able to show that he is a graduate of the high education body, the university. And the most important thing for lecturer is to bring up a good person who has such kind of feature of character like humanity, kindness, charity, love to yourself, to your close people, to your motherland, culture and your society. Love and respect for your language and also respect to other languages as well, because the language in our profession is an instrument, tool and good assistant.
As a result, lecturers have a lot of work in development of students, serious tasks and high goals and accordingly have to work very hard by themselves as well. It would be very nice if every person could meet on his way during the life a really good Instructor. The instructor, who can give a good direction in the future life, can help with a good advice when needed and maybe can influence for whole student’s life. A good lecturer knows or feels the potential of his student and knows when potential or ability can be improved and he also can save a lot of life time of student, the time of his youth, because the instructor can show the shortest direction and to inform the concrete steps to reach the aim more quickly. We always need the targets in our live to achieve and people we want to be look like. You are really lucky if you would find such an Instructor in your life.
The above was the recommendation part of our article about the lesson process in the university and the main targets for lecturer in modern study process. Regarding the concrete process of our lesson about International organizations, first of all, we try not only to study the each organization in usual way, by discussing the formation, structure, targets and tasks of organization, main bodies and it’s activity and organization’s sphere of work, but mainly to go out of these frame and:
1) To talk about the connection with today’s life;
2) Carefully check the work of this organization and its specific programs, their steps, activity in our country or visits to our country;
3) To discuss the news from media about organization’s activity;
4) To discuss the current situation of organization as of today;
5) To make the conclusion about the necessity of organization for the world.
From the example of those organizations we learn that union of people from all over the world can help in settling such big problems like saving the lives of people all over the world, protecting the child from forced labor, discrimination problem. International organizations also do the research to save people from the diseases, do their best to save the seas from pollution problems, etc. Humankind have a lot of problems which should be discussed and can be solved all together even if we live in different parts of the world, in different countries, we can meet and take the necessary actions. And most important thing that these international organizations work based on the principles of justice and protection, their activity based on general humanity values. All of us have the general targets and tasks, we can select what is useful for mankind and what is not. The activity of international organizations shows that no one can do whatever they like with impunity, there are people and organizations who always ready to settle the problem and do the control of situation. Nothing can be done without punishment in the world. To control the situation around the world the group of people who have the power and authority are always ready to protect our rights and think about humankind’s mutual benefit.
Our article is just the recommendation for young lecturer about the main targets in modern study process. The article gives to lecturer the information for thinking, after reading the article lecturer who is interested in this field, can make their own conclusion, to use some points of this article in their work with students and in education process, something can remain for a while inside the lecturer, for thinking and reflection.
I hope our article will be helpful for young modern lecturer. Sometimes the task of the researcher not only to provide ready answers to all questions, but to make person to get doubt and to make the person to start thinking or to help the lecturer in improvement of himself as professional in the certain field of science.

1. Fromm E. Freedom and alienation, and loving and being, in education. 1961-135 p.
2. Kiyosaki R. Rich dad poor dad 1992.-75p.

Значение исследуемых в нашей статье вопросов очень важно и актуально в связи с тем, что мы живем в переходный момент, в котором старые устои и принципы размыты. Жизнь всегда меняется. Приходят новые реалии, новые отношения, новые понятия. Как исследователям, нам интересно, какие произошли изменения в парадигме нашего мышления в вопросе обучения? Что принесло нам новое время, а что стоит сохранить от старой системы? Мы анализируем внутренний мир и внутреннюю работу учителя. Что он должен передать будущему поколению? Какие основы в них заложить?

Мақалада қазіргі заманғы талаптарға сəйкес «Халықаралық қатынастар» факультетінде ағылшын тілінде сабақ берудің жаңа əдістемелері берілген.
Мақала білім беру ісіндегі өзгерістерді, жаңалықтарды талдауға арналған. Мұғалімнің ішкі жан дүниесі мен қызметі талданады. Автор қазіргі заман жағдайында мұғалімнің болашақ ұрпақ бойына сіңіретін қасиеттерін анықтауға тырысады.

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