K.R. NESSIPBAEVA – the doctor of historical sciences, professor, a chief of World history department KazNPU named by Abaiy
The historical science of Kazakhstan endures the difficult period meaning that one behind one masters of a science leave. Among them it is necessary to note Tulepbaeva Bajdabeka of Akhmetovich — the known public figure, the honored worker of a science of Republic Kazakhstan, the corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the academician of NAN РК, the doctor of historical sciences, the honourable professor of the Kazakh national pedagogical university of a name of Abaiy. With a name of the academician of B. A Tulepbaeva it is connected more than the 50-year-old period of a historical science of Kazakhstan.
Tulepbaev Bajdabek Akhmetovich — outstanding the Kazakh historian, the expert of the broadest outlook to which focus of interest during the different periods of his life such different areas of scientific research as, for example, problems of the theory and practice of noncapitalistic development, theoretical problems of an agrarian policy, socially – economic transformations to agriculture of the Soviet East, the biography state and politicians of Kazakhstan, questions of agrarian transformations in republics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the decision of national problems and in foreign countries — hardly probable not in all from them it has brought extremely important contribution in the USSR got.
Variety of its works such, for example, as monographers «the Celebration of Lenin ideas of socialist transformation of agriculture of Central Asia and Kazakhstan», «Socialist agrarian transformations to Central Asia and Kazakhstan», «Realization of the Lenin agrarian policy of party in Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan», were included into «gold fund» domestic historical science. For the first time in B. A. Tulepbaev ‘s fundamental historiographic research has shown all many-sided nature and necessity of studying of agrarian questions of the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Certainly, not all and not with all told in these works of the academician of B. A. Tulepbaev agreed then will agree today. But it is necessary to recognize: intellectual, its culturological saturation and live interest of the author in judgment of cardinal historical problems impresses. And the questions designated by B. A. Tulepbaev. Questions remain — and, most likely, «questions forever” which in different genres — from historians to philosophers will answer, in process of the development, more and more substantially, deeply, interesting, continuously coming nearer to never achievable True …
B. A. Tulepbaev lived in difficult and in many respects the difficult period of history of Kazakhstan, nevertheless and during this period it kept advantage and the intellectual independence shown, both in personal scientific creativity, and in behavior in historical community.
B. A. Tulepbaev’s all life as and the professor has passed the scientist in conditions of absolute domination «only the true doctrine”. Whether there was Tulepbaev B. A the convinced and its consecutive adherent? And if was, how it has affected its scientific creativity? Uneasy questions; and hardly there can be simple answers to them. Undoubtedly, B. A. Tulepbaev well knew, recognized and accepted Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy, Marxist-Leninist ideology. Productive forces and productive relations, basis and a superstructure (and primacy of an economic system of a society under the relation to all «superlinear» institutes), class struggle as one of defining factors of historical development (in the societies divided into classes), known формационная the scheme of historical process — all these (and others) and categories we can find concepts in its works; also I think, they were at B. A. Tulepbaev. Completely not formal tribute to an official fashion and official ideological installations of that time. To it, definitely, the materialistic understanding of history was peculiar. But it never, I am convinced, didn’t accept so-called dogmatic Marxism. To it the given reason acknowledgement is given by its fundamental works and scientific articles.
B. A. Tulepbaev ‘s scientific researches deserve very attentive analysis. To it has really had the luck to put into practice variety of initial positions at treatment of concrete problems which time and again those years were designated as eclecticism, but actually were defensible expression of a wide sight at history of the people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the cultural world of mankind, on its history. As I remember, Badajbek Akhmetovich anywhere didn’t write about multifacrories of historical process, but, probably, this concept deeply penetrated its scientific essence, therefore it was so is wide and free in a choice of means of research.
In character of Bajdabek Ahmedovich, and in its adherence to a principle to check the theory the facts, observed the historical approach to the studied phenomena. I think, has put in it. On the one hand, in deep internal independence («spiritual freedom”), Tulepbaeva B. A as person, the person; in any its special «autonomy», I would tell (at all external «вписанности” in «environment»). On the other hand — acquired by it from the university teachers sincere respect, the attentive relation to history and culture of the people in all its infinite variety and the variety, the convinced relation to a historicism principle as defining at studying of social and spiritual history, culture and a life of the people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
As Bajdabek Ahmedovich Tulepbaev – the scientist of a new formation successfully combining theoretical and practical activities, valuable qualities of the talented scientist is marked on one of Internet resources «. It is allocated by ability to concentrate the main attention and energy a system of the thoughts on« a direction of the main blow »[1].
Academician B.A.Tulepbaev (in the co-authorship with the spouse) has let out the monography «D.A.Kunaev — outstanding state and the politician» which became significant event in political and historical thought of Kazakhstan. Authors have paid the deserved tribute of memory of D.A.Kunaev as to one of the largest state and politicians of Kazakhstan, fairly and to honesty serving people and the Native land. Academician B.A.Tulepbaev opens the major marks of activity of Dinmuhamed Ahmedovich Kunaev in 60-80 х ХХ century not only as its contemporary, but also as the active participant of all major events during that historical period of Kazakhstan. If authors of the monography about D.A.Kunaev warmly write that D.A.Kunaeva’s name will serve deservedly as a symbol of pride of our people I would like to tell the following. The name of academician B.A.Tulepbaev is for my generation of historians a symbol of faultless service to a historical science of the Kazakh people.
Academician B.A.Tulepbaev has the big merits in preparation of highly skilled scientific shots — historians for our republic. It helped with preparation doctor’s and master’s theses not to one generation of historians. Last decades academician B.A.Tulepbaev spent the big research work with collective of Institute of history, archeology and ethnography of Ch.Ch.Valihanov. It had friendly, scientific and creative communications with outstanding representatives of intelligency not only Kazakhstan, but also many CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.).
Life and Badajbeka Ahmetovicha Tulepbaeva creativity is an example of true service to a science. Marking the 90 anniversary from the date of a birth of academician B.A.Tulepbaeva, we with gratitude remember its high qualities as the scientist, the organizer of a science of Kazakhstan and the great friend of the people first of all the post-Soviet territory.
Академик Б.А.Тулепбаев есімімен Қазақстанның тарих ғылымының 50-жылдан астам кезеңі байланысты.Тулепбаев Байдабек Ахметұлы – қазақтың белгілі тарихшы ғалымы. Оның еңбектерінің отандық тарих ғылымының «алтын қорына» енуі заңдылық. Б.А.Тулепбаевтың ғылыми зерттеулері ыждағатты зерттеулерді қажет етеді. Академиктің республикамыз үшін жоғары дəрежелі ғалым тарихшы кадрларды дайындаудағы еңбегі ерекше.
С именем академика Тулепбаева Б.А. связан более чем 50-летний период исторической науки Казахстана. Тулепбаев Байдабек Ахметович — выдающейся казахский историк, специалист широчайшего кругозора. Он внес чрезвычайно важный вклад. Целый ряд его работ заслуженно вошли в «золотой фонд» отечественной исторической науки. Научные исследования Тулепбаева Б.А. заслуживают очень внимательного анализа.Академик Б.А.Тулепбаев имеет большие заслуги в подготовке высококвалифицированных научных кадров — историков для нашей республики.