The article is devoted to the use of trails in modern advertising texts. The imaginative means of the language actualize the advertising text. A variety of methods of verbal expression, enhancing the expressiveness that accompanies even the simplest topic, while at the same time being generally understood, should serve as one of the principles of advertising. With incompetent use of means of verbal expressiveness, stylistic errors can occur that will lead to a distortion of meaning, and the viewer’s interest in advertising will decrease. Most often, advertising not only informs, but also forms a bright, clear advertising image with the consumer through a system of visual and expressive language means in objective information, as a rule, additional, subjective orientation are introduced. It is formed mainly due to stylistically colored vocabulary and syntax that allows you to create a specific — sensual image of an advertisement, emotionally evaluate the facts in question. Artistic techniques in slogans help to remember them better. They are designed for an adequate consumer response: empathy, empathy, ownership. The trails contribute to the good memorization of information, its penetration into the subconscious of a potential client. We can say that artistic techniques — these are the means that allow you to develop a good slogan.
Keywords: tropes, advertising text, advertising language, speech, expressive means, artistic techniques.


The concision, expressiveness, emotional coloring is peculiar for vocabulary of an advertising copy. Words possessing high “advertising value” create the image of the advertised item and later easily evoke an idea about it. Alongside to the literal meaning, they carry information about the cultural, ethnic and social characteristics of a given people, society. The semantics of the overwhelming majority of words in the advertising copy are positive. Although to some extent,
all this diversity comes down to alternation of the three words: “good”, “new” and “impressive”. Such characteristics are similar to this series: “golden, joyful, excellent, individual, personal, magnificent, discoveries, magical, fantastic, knowledgeable, excellent, personal, absolute, exceptional, general, charming, fast, independent, wonderful, seductive, “unforgettable”,
“refined”, etc.
We can assume that the features of applyingexpression means in TV advertising to a great extent define its positive successfulness of the audience; that the use of imaginative means makes expressive and relevant advertising. The lexical tools range for attracting attention, awakening trust and persuasion in advertising copies is very diverse:
a) the expressive possibilities of syntagmatic — in one text vocabulary belonging to completely
different groups are combined (professionalisms, terms, colloquial vocabulary, poetry, exoticism, etc.), for example:
To regeneratefresh and healthy appearance of the skin, it is enough to activate microcirculation. (Cosmetics advertisement).
b) wide aadjectivation: in saturation advertising by adjectives, etc. on a commitment to
dynamism, originality, the intention to intrigue and entice the recipient to read his text to the end;
c) linguistic ambiguity – a favorite method of advertising.
This technique is a language game, and the effect achieved is founded on the pleasure received from a successful game: the “success” of the recipient as a partner in this game is the discovery by him of both meanings that are simultaneously present in one or another advertising text. The “second meaning” is often simplified and ironic to one degree or another. The game can be founded on the use of the word in the transferable meaning:
Move on! Eat Snickers! (chocolate advertisement);
Both basic and special expressive language means are applied in modern advertising copies. The latter are called upon to impact on the addressee not only conceptually, but also figuratively, thanks to which information is perceived faster, finds a deeper emotional response from the addressee, arouses interest and is better stored in memory. This happens because words are applied in advertising not only in denotative, but also in connotative meanings. Rich figurative content is created in advertising, [1, 45] as well as in literary text, thanks to words used in figurative meanings, as can be seen from the above example. The figurative meaning of a word changes its function: the word leaves the simple name of objects in order to directly take part in the creation of imagery. There is a change of meanings, renaming, outlining and such use of lexical units, expressions, in which the figurative meaning actualizes the created image, is outlined. The lexical unit applied in this role and traditionally peculiar to the artistic style of speech, was called the trope and is actively used in advertising.


Translated from Greek «tropos» – means a turn, a rolling over. This is the direct, literal meaning of the word. In philological conception (both in linguistics and in literary studies), tropes are a skillful figurative use of the word. In rhetoric, tropes are called expressions and utterances in a figurative meaning. Founded on the article in the «Poetic Dictionary» A.P. Kvyatkovsky. We give the following literary interpretation: the trope is a poetic phrase, the use of words in a figurative, figurative sense. The tropes include: metaphor, epithet, metonymy, synecdoche, symphor, hyperbole, irony, litotes, epithet, periphrase. [2, 312]
In particular, the structural diversity of tropes is reduced to two types: founded on the principle of metonymy and — on the principle of metaphor. In metonymy, a part or attribute is used to convey the whole. The image in the visual arts gravitates toward metonymy, because any reproduction of external being is a reconstruction of volume, form, lines implying the whole. So in the epic: through the portrait we learn about the person. In the metaphor there is an associative conjugation of different objects. Metaphorical conjugation, the transfer of objects is manifested mainly in the expressive arts, in music, in lyrics.
At this stage of the stylistics development, these terms are preserved, but the level achieved by linguistics allows them to be given a new interpretation. First of all, many researchers note that pictorial means can be described as paradigmatic, since they are founded on the association of words and expressions chosen by the author with other words that are close to them in value and therefore potentially possible, but not presented in the text, regarding to which they are preferred.
Stylistic means are varied and numerous, but the basis of them include the same linguistic principle on which the whole mechanism of language is built: a comparison of events and establish similarities and differences among them, pin p and v and equivalence [3, 62].
It is noteworthy that the stylistic analysis of expressive means is one of the most important areas of modern linguistics. This thesis is due to the results of our research referred to the analysis of the modern advertising language. This article describes the tropes used in modern television commercials. The material is systematized in the work according to the following plan:
1) characteristics of the lexical means of expressive language;
2) analysis of the peculiarities of their application in modern advertising.
Values are transferred based on the following characteristics:
— similarities (metaphors) — leaden clouds;
— spatial or time adjacency (metonymy) — an attentive audience;
— interchangeable categories of numbers (synecdoche) — for an elite buyer;
— identities (periphrases) – white gold;
— contrast (anti-phrases) –good little thing (about a bad deed);
— deliberate exaggeration (hyperbole) – faster than lightning;
— deliberate understatement (litotes) – came out for a minute [4, 132].
Metaphor is one of the most powerful means of expression intended for long-term exposure. Metaphors are well remembered, kept in long-term memory and can go into the active vocabulary of the speaker. Metaphor (Greek «transfer») – a trope or figure of speech, consisting in the applying of a word denoting a certain class of objects (objects, persons, phenomena, actions or signs), to denote another, similar to the data, class of objects or a single object: a wolf, oak, snake.
Metaphor involves four components: two categories of objects and the properties of each of them. A metaphor selects the attributes of one class of objects and offers them to another class or individual — the actual subject of the metaphor. When a person is called a fox, they attribute to him a sign of cunning, characteristic of this class of animals, and the ability to sweep tracks behind him. Thus, at the same time, the essence of man is cognized, his image is created and a new meaning is created: the word fox acquires the figurative meaning “flatterer, cunning and crafty deceiver”. A person endowed with such a property may receive the nickname Fox, Fox, and Lisa Patrikeyevna (folk — poet). Thus, all the metaphor functions noted above are realized. It is noteworthy that the characteristic of that category of objects, which is indicated by a metaphor, is nationally specific. It may belong to the fund of general ideas about the world of native speakers, mythology or cultural tradition [3, 122].
The metaphor is a hidden comparison: often, reflecting the author’s vision of objects and phenomena, it is subjective, but always differs in the author’s vision and contributes to the creation of visual images. The metaphor diversifies the advertising text, makes it more imaginative and strong. Juice can be called kind, simple makeup removal can be expressed with a phrase in one gesture, the choice of products is characterized as the only true or even royal.
A sea of pleasure on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea! (tourist advertising).
The role of epithet in advertising texts is great, that is characterized by A.P. Kvyatkovsky as » … a figurative characteristic of a person, phenomenon or object.» Epithet is not just an adjective in the role of a definition giving an objective or logical characteristic. Epithet — one of the varieties of metaphor, offering an artistic, figurative representation of the subject, founded on accurate comparison.
Shining reputation! (in advertising shoe polish).
Epithet as an expressive element is an important means of psychological influence. You can find a lot of examples, since most of the definitions in the advertising text are figurative and expressive: unmatched aroma, successful purchase, healing properties.
Comparison is applied for a more visual image.
The delicate taste of Orion Choco – Pie makes people kind.
It is not pleasant to compare own products with another, underestimating its quality characteristics. Notwithstanding, there is also such an advertisement containing information about the fact that the powder, detergent or cleaning agent cannot be compared to the products of a competing company (not named openly).
Hyperbola is a very popular technique, which is often found in advertising various products offered at super prices.
The personification technique is also no less popular often found in advertising texts:
My skin is in love with him! (foundation cream advertisement)
Occasional expressions such as super health and super vitamin may appear. This creates additional expression and affects the psychological perception of information.
Periphrase is much less common in television advertising.
Advertising follows the principle of economy – it reports only the unknown or something that cannot be guessed from the context.
VICHY Laboratory invites with Vichy! (cosmetics ads)
Chocolate -pleasure for you, SHOCK for cellulite! (cosmetics ads)
Speech becomes more expressive, different meanings of the same word or expression are played out (polysemy):
Fashion is changing – the taste remains. Candy Macro – S – a gift with taste!
It should be noted that such comparisons are extremely common in television advertising: this creates the most convex and visible advertising image.
“Double actualization – the implementation of the direct and figurative meaning of a word at the same time – sometimes gives a comic effect and allows you to express an idea in an unusual and catchy way, for example:
Diamond Disco! Light up! (cosmetics ads); Not sticky, but very attractive! (cosmetics ads); Extremely fast styling «(advertising cosmetics).


All the above examples indicate the diversity of speech tactics used in advertising. Promotional text is a specific text in which:
1) situational synonymy is active;
2) possible combinations of words are wider than normative, general language; 3) developed polysemy;
4) a tangible tendency to use means of artistic expression [5, 111].
The advertising language constantly requires updating, since expressive means are assimilated and quickly spreading and begin to be reproduced mechanically. As a result, imagery is erased, which means that the credibility of advertising decreases. Most often, advertising not only informs, but also forms a bright, clear advertising image with the consumer through a system of figuratively-expressive language means and objective information, as a rule, additional, subjective orientation is introduced. It is crated mainly due to stylistically curtailed vocabulary used as tropes.

1 Blinkina – Melnik M. M. Advertising text. – Moscow: OGI. – 2004.
2 Kvyatkovsky A.P. Poetical dictionary. – M. – 1996.
3 Kubryakova E. S., Demyankov V.Z., Pankrats Yu. G., Luzina L.G. Сoncise dictionary of cognitive terms. – M., 1996.
4. Kostina A.V. Тhe Aesthetics of advertising. – M. – Vershina. – 2003.
5. Mokshantsev R.I. Psychology of advertising: Studies benefit. – Moscow: INFRA-M. – 2000.

А.М. Нурбаева , Л.А.Шинтаева2
Қазіргі жарнамалық мәтіндерде троптарды қолдану
1,2М.Тынышпаев атындағы КазККА, Aлматы, Қазақстан Республикасы Мақалада троптардың қазіргі заманғы жарнама мәтіндерінде қолдануы жайында айтылған. Тілдің бейнелі құралдары жарнама мәтінін жандандырады, өзектендіреді. Сөздік білдіру тәсілдерінің әртүрлілігі, тіпті қарапайым тақырыпқа ілесе жүретін экспрессивтіліктің күшеюі, бір мезгілде жалпы түсініктік кезінде жарнама жасау қағидаттарының бірі болуға тиіс. Cөйлеу мәнерлілігі құралдарын қолданғанда мәннің бұрмалануына әкелетін стилистикалық қателер туындауы мүмкін және көрерменнің жарнамадағы қызығушылығы төмендейді. Жарнама көбінесе ақпарат беріп қана қоймай, тұтынушыда тілдің бейнелеу-мәнерлі құралдары жүйесі арқылы шынайы жарнамалық бейнені қалыптастырады, әдетте субъективті бағыты бар қосымша ақпарат беріледі. Ол негізінен стилистикалық боялған лексика мен синтаксистің есебінен құралады, жарнамалық хабарландырудың нақты – сезімтал бейнесін жасауға, әңгіме болып отырған фактілерді эмоционалды бағалауға мүмкіндік береді. Слогандардағы көркем тәсілдер жақсы есте сақтауға көмектеседі. Троптар ақпаратты жақсы есте сақтауға, клиенттің санасына енуіне мүмкіндік береді. Көркем тәсілдер-бұл жақсы ұран жасауға мүмкіндік беретін құралдар. Көркем әдістер слоганның күшін төмендетеді, бірақ тұтынушының оны қабылдауы мен есте сақтауына оң әсер етеді.
А.М. Нурбаева1, Л.А.Шинтаева2
Использование тропов в современных рекламных текстах
образуется главным образом за счет стилистически окрашенных лексики и синтаксиса, позволяющих создать конкретно-чувственный образ рекламного объявления, эмоционально оценить факты, о которых идет речь.

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