The article covers the issues of studying the journalistic style, its style and language features. The main functions of journalistic genres are considered – informative and influencing, as the most significant in the formation of public opinion. The subject of special consideration in the article was the means of speech expression in the journalistic text, used for the purpose of emotional and aesthetic impact. Describes the most common of them: tanning, objectivization, discussion, rhetorical question, as well as such speech means of maintaining contact with the reader as communication, paranthosis, rhetorical exclamation, silence. In addition, the article considers various paths and figures of speech widely used in the journalistic text, which are necessary to create a bright individual-author’s position and give the journalistic work of elements of artistic speech: metaphors, epithets, periphrases, synonyms, antonyms, oxymorons, etc.

Key words: journalistic text, journalistic genres, figures of speech, speech expressiveness.

The journalistic style, being the official style of the media, is more often used in written speech, and less often – in oral form. Common features of this style can be called:
• imagery and emotionality of speech – to create the necessary atmosphere;
• Assessment and confidence – for interest;
• a narrative logic based on irrefutable facts – to make speech credible and informative; • call for action by readers (listeners) and public accessibility; • an easy and clear statement.
The stylistic features of the journalistic style are manifested at the language levels as follows:
• on a lexical level – emotionally-expressive and colloquial words, phraseologisms and stable expressions, dialectal or slang words – depending on the specifics of the audience;
• in morphological – an abundance of adjectives, pronouns and adverbs, verbs at the present time;
• on the syntactic level – short and incomplete sentences, alternating with complex subordinates.
As you know, the main purpose of the journalistic style is to influence public opinion, to form it. The structure of the journalistic style of speech is focused on the expression of socially significant ideas, active citizenship. The most important function of the journalistic style is the influencing function. The journalist not only reports on any facts of social, cultural, spiritual, economic life, but also gives them an interpretation, putting the text in an emotionally-expressive stylistic form.
The linguistic means of organizing the text of the journalistic style are subordinated to the basic feature (style dominance), which is defined as social evaluation. The evaluation category is most clearly visible at the lexicon level. Let’s list the main lexical means expressing the evaluation [1, 132]:
1. words with a vivid expressive coloring: varvary (barbarians), vandal (vandal), verolomnoe vtorzhenie (treacherous invasion), zverskoe ubijstvo (brutal murder), beschelovechnyj postupok (inhumane act), gumannyj rukovoditel’ (humane leader), sud’bonosnyj god (fateful year);
2. Newspapers, i.e., lexemes that have acquired social and evaluative properties under the influence of the publicist context: boeviki (militants), putch (putsch), nomenklatura (nomenclature), povstancy (rebels), terroristy (terrorists);
3. words with suffixes of subjective assessment: obyvatel’shchina (commoner), soldatnya (soldier), smekhota (laughing), obrazovanshchina (education), babulenciya (babulence), rodstvennichki (relatives);
4. Journalistic phraseology: grazhdanskoe soglasie (civil accord), kredit doveriya (credit of trust), sil’naya ruka (strong hand), arena politicheskoj bor’by (arena of political struggle), politicheskaya kuhnya (political cuisine).
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the vocabulary of journalistic style is characterized by heterogeneity of stylistic coloring: solemn, book words, designed to influence the reader, neighbor with stylistically reduced units, which give speech liveliness, immediacy: «A nas s vami – kak ne vyshedshih rozhami i dohodami dlya Goroda budushchego – otselyat v kapchagajskuyu step’« (And we – as not come out faces and incomes for the City of the future – will be resettled in the Kapchagai steppe) («Vremya» magazine).
There is a particular interest in the process of transformation of terminological vocabulary, which is used in the expanded metaphorical meaning, acquiring social evaluation: ideologicheskij vakuum (ideological vacuum), epicentr sobytij (epicenter of events), gradus vozmushcheniya (degree of indignation), shkala terpeniya (scale of patience), virus obshcheniya (virus of communication), etc.
In the book «The Russian language on a newspaper page» Kostomarov highlighted the main feature of the newspaper’s language: the desire for standardization and, at the same time, expressiveness. Broad possibilities for realization of this tendency are presented by figures of speech – deviations from a neutral way of presentation for the purpose of emotional and aesthetic influence. From the first lines of the article, the reader often meets with such types of questions as dubbitation and objectification.

There are some unique qualities in the nature of that types of questions that makes them work differently ways in conversations. Questions may obtain some of these qualities occasionally or be initially formed using them. But the most important part is not what questions consist or how they made, but what role they have and why were they made.
Dubbitation – a series of questions to the imaginary interlocutor to raise the problem and justify the form of reasoning, for example: «Vse chashche v SMI publikuyutsya sociologicheskie dannye o populyarnosti pretendentov na vysokuyu dolzhnost’ i prognozy o veroyatnom pobeditele. No naskol’ko nadezhny eti dannye? Mozhno li im doveryat’? Ili eto tol’ko sredstvo formirovaniya obshchestvennogo mneniya, svoeobraznyj sposob propagandy zhelannogo kandidata? Eti voprosy nosyat kak politicheskij, tak i nauchnyj harakter» (Increasingly, the media publish sociological data on the popularity of candidates for high office and forecasts about the likely winner. But how reliable is this data? Can we trust them? Or is it just a means of forming public opinion, a kind of propaganda of the desired candidate? These issues are both political and scientific in nature) («MK» magazine).
Objectivization is a question to which the author answers himself, for example: «Kakie izmeneniya zhdut igrokov «Milana»? Na sajte kluba poyavilos’ zayavlenie o tom, chto nikto bol’she iz kluba ne ujdet» (What changes await the Milan players? The club’s website has a statement that no one else will leave the club) («Caravan» magazine). Objectivization is a language tool that serves to highlight individual sides of the core issue as the text is deployed. Figures of this type are located mainly at the beginning of paragraphs. They create a framework of reasoning. The change of affirmative intonation to a questioning one allows the reader to revive the attention of the reader, to restore the weakened contact with him/her, to introduce diversity into the author’s monologue and to create an illusion of dialogue.
The analogue and at the same time the opposite of objectification is discussion. This is a question posed to discuss a decision already made by authoritative persons or a conclusion already made public, for example: «Vkladchikam pensionnyh fondov, real’no smotryashchim na veshchi, davno predlozheno pozabotit’sya o sebe samim. Kakie manevry mozhet predprinyat’ budushchij pensioner?» (Pension fund investors who really look at things have long been asked to take care of themselves. What manoeuvres can a future pensioner take?) («Vremya» magazine).
A rhetorical question is an expressive statement or denial, for example: «Stanet li svyazyvat’sya so Sberbankom chelovek, ch’i sberezheniya v nem pogoreli?» (Will a man whose savings have been burned in Sberbank get involved?) («Capital» magazine) equals to «Won’t get involved…»
The rhetorical question stands out in its intonation and structure against the background of narrative proposals, which introduces an element of surprise into the speech and thus increases its expressiveness. Some theatricality of this method raises the stylistic status of the text, raises it above the ordinary speech. The rhetorical question often serves as a spectacular conclusion to an article, for example: «Interesno, a sud’i kto?» (I wonder who the judges are?).
When studying the language means of the journalistic style it is necessary to pay special attention to the means of maintaining contact with the reader. Thus, among other speech means of maintaining contact with the reader there are communication, parantaise, rhetorical exclamation, default.
Communication – imagining the transmission of a difficult problem to the listener, for example: «Ved’ sama skhema bezumno udobna i vygodna. Smotrite sami. CHtoby poluchit’ kredit, nado budet nakopit’ 30% stoimosti kvartiry» (Because the scheme itself is insanely convenient and profitable. See for yourself. To get a loan, you will have to save 30% of the cost of the apartment) («MK» magazine).
The identifying sign is the formula «sudite sami» (judge for yourself) or its analogues «smotrite sami» (decide yourself), «vot i reshajte» (decide for yourself), etc. There are two types of communication: 1) like a discussion, invites the reader to a thoughtful analysis of the conclusion already made by the author; 2) stops the discussion before the conclusion. For instance: «Еst’ informaciya, chto odin nash kinematografist priobrel bolee 10 ga okolo goroda i budet stroit’ tam s»emochnyj pavil’on. Vot eto strategicheskoe myshlenie upravlenca. Vsya Rossiya budet snimat’ u nas. Sudite sami, v Moskve ne hvataet ploshchadej plyus u nas bolee vygodnye pogodnye usloviya» (There is information that one of our filmmakers bought more than 10 hectares near the city and will build a filming pavilion there. That’s the strategic thinking of a manager. The whole of Russia will be shooting from us. Judge for yourself, Moscow lacks space, plus we have more favorable weather conditions) («Vremya» magazine).
Rhetorical exclamation is the expression of emotion. In the written text this pseudo-emotion is graphically (exclamation point) and structurally. Silence – an indication in the written text by means of graphic means (ellipsis) that part of the thought is not stated. Dottedness is a conspiratorial
«wink» of the author to the reader, a hint of known facts or mutually shared points of view. [2, 76] Newspaper vocabulary is the most important and largest category of newspaper dictionary. This diverse and influential vocabulary in the newspaper satisfies the acute need for newspaperpublicist speech to express a special assessment of the subjects, phenomena, and concepts of public life and greatly contributes to the performance of an important for the newspaper propaganda function.
The criterion for classifying a word as an evaluation vocabulary can be its ability to express evaluation out of context: in addition to the inherent constants assigned to it in the dictionary, it can also implement the so-called situational or contextual meanings.
On the basis of the evaluation, the main thing for the newspaper lexicon, the latter is subdivided into positive evaluation, negative evaluation and neutral in evaluation terms. For example: words and phrases with positive value: zolotoj (golden), velichestvennyj gorod (majestic city), slavnyj (glorious), tovarishcheskij match (friendly match), kolybel’ druzhby (cradle of friendship), sozidanie (creation), vdohnovlyayushchij (inspiring), iniciativa (initiative), sodruzhestvo (commonwealth), etc.; words and phrases with negative value: atmosfera isterii (atmosphere of hysteri), zaklejmit’ pozorom (stigmatization), slovesnyj kamuflyazh (verbal camouflage), piratskie kopii (pirate copies), politika zahvata (capture policy), etc.
In the journalistic text, various paths and figures of speech are widely used, which are necessary to create a bright individual-author’s position and to give the journalistic work of elements of artistic speech. These include metaphors, epithets, periphrases, synonyms, antonyms, oxymorons, etc.
Metaphor – a path or figure of speech, the use of a word denoting a class of objects, phenomena, actions or features to characterize or nominate another, similar to the data. For example: Etot paren’ – nastoyashchij medved’ (This guy is a real bear). The formation of this metaphor is based on the similarity of the animal features with the characterized individual (rough strength, strength, strength, clubfoot, etc.).
Metaphor performs two main functions – characterization function and nomination function. Metaphor is widely used in publicist and oratory discourse, as these are genres designed to influence the emotions and imagination of the addressee. Such metaphors are usually based on analogies: with war and struggle («nanesti udar» for strike, «diplomaticheskie srazheniya» for diplomatic battles), game («razygrat’ kartu» for play card), sport («arena bor’by za vlast’« for power struggle arena, «peretyagivanie kanata» for tug-of-war), mechanism («rychagi vlasti» for leverage of power), organism («bolezn’ rosta» for growth disease), plant («rostki demokratii» for sprouts of democracy), theater («marionetki vlasti» for puppets of power), etc.
Methodonymy – transfer of a name from one class of objects to another class or a separate subject. For example, in the proposals, «Konferenciya sostoitsya v nachale goda» (the Conference will take place at the beginning of the year) and «Konferenciya prinyala vazhnoe reshenie» (the Conference took an important decision to) move the event from the social event to the participants.
Epithet is a stylistically significant word or phrase in a syntactic function of definition or circumstance. For example: zheleznaya disciplina (iron discipline), gordo nesti znamya Otechestva (proudly carry the flag of the Fatherland), the headline velichestvennyj grad Astana (majestic city of Astana), zhivaya pamyat’ (living memory), etc.
Periframes are language units used as: 1) an expression that is a descriptive representation of the meaning of another expression or word – «pishushchij eti stroki» (writing these lines) instead of the author’s self); 2) a path that replaces the name of a person, object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features – «koroleva tsvetov» (flower queen) instead of a rose, «korol zhivotnyh» (king of beasts) instead of a lion. The following periphrasis is most common in modern newspaper texts: lyudi v belyh halatah (people in white robes) for doctors, ryzhaya plutovka (red trickster) for fox, goluboj ekran (blue screen) for TV, nochnoe svetilo (nighttime luminary) for moon, chernoe zoloto (black gold) for oil.

Stylistic figures (comparisons, metaphors, metonymies) are not only a figurative grid through which the world is perceived, but also a certain subjective attitude to the world, which determines not only the nature of the vision of the world, but also its perception.
Summing up the above, I would like to note that the understanding of the content and form of the journalistic text should be based on students’ understanding of the text-forming features of the journalistic style as a whole, since all the language means of any functional style form a harmonious system, which is designed to convey the author’s idea, embodied in a specific genre form.

1. Culture of Russian speech. University textbook. L.K.Graudina, E.N.Shiryaev, responsible editors. – М., 1998. – 560 с.
2. Kupina N.A., Mikhailova O.A. Fundamentals of stylistics and culture of speech. A workshop for philology students. – М., 2004. – 296 с.
3. Materials from the newspapers Vremya, Karavan, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Izvestia, etc.

Сансызбаева С.К. 1, Сматаев Н.К.2, Темиркулова Г.К. 3 Оценочные средства речевой выразительности в публицистических текстах 1,2,3 КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, г.Алматы, Казахстан. В статье освещены вопросы изучения публицистического стиля, его стилевых и языковых особенностей. Рассмотрены основные функции публицистических жанров – информативная и воздействующая, как наиболее значимые при формировании общественного мнения. Предметом особого рассмотрения в статье явились средства речевой выразительности в публицистическом тексте, используемые с целью эмоционального и эстетического воздействия. Описаны наиболее распространенные из них: дубитация, объективизация, обсуждение, риторический вопрос, а также такие речевые средства поддержания контакта с читателем, как коммуникация, парентеза, риторическое восклицание, умолчание. Кроме того в статье рассмотрены широко используемые в публицистическом тексте различные тропы и фигуры речи, необходимые для создания яркой индивидуально-авторской позиции и придания публицистическому произведению элементов художественной речи: метафоры, эпитеты, перифразы, синонимы, антонимы, оксюморон и др.

Сансызбаева С.К. 1, Сматаев Н.Қ. 2, Темірқұлова Г.Қ. 3
Публицистикалық мәтіндердегі сөз мәнерлігінің бағалау әдістері
1,2,3 әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан Мақалада журналистік стиль, оның стилистикалық және лингвистикалық ерекшеліктерін зерттеу қарастырылған. Журналистік жанрлардың негізгі функциялары – қоғамдық пікір қалыптастырудағы ең маңызды болып табылатын ақпараттық және әсерлі болып саналады. Мақалада ерекше назар аударылатын тақырып – эмоционалды және эстетикалық әсер ету үшін пайдаланылатын журналистік мәтінде сөз сөйлеудің құралы болды. Олардың ең көп тарағандары: дубитизация, объективтеу, талқылау, риторикалық сұрақ, сондай-ақ, сөйлесу, парентеза, риторикалық леп белгісі, әдепсіздік сияқты оқырманмен қарым-қатынас жасаудың осындай сөйлеу құралдары. Бұдан басқа, мақалада журналистік мәтінде кеңінен қолданылатын әртүрлі жолдар мен сөйлеу фигуралары талқылануда, олар жеке авторлық позицияны құруға және көркем сөздердің журналистік жұмыс элементтеріне: метафоралар, эпитеттер, парафрациялар, синонимдер, антонимдер, оксюморон және т.б.

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