G.T. Aubakirova¹, M.Sadirbekova²
1 candidate of Philology, Professor of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages,
Karaganda Economic University, Karaganda, The Republic of Kazakhstan,
2 graduate student, Karaganda Economic University, Karaganda, The Republic of Kazakhstan,


This article is devoted to the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students, which is one of the aspects of the activity of a foreign language teacher. There are four components that show the content of socio-cultural competence. Socio-cultural competence is considered as a component of communicative competence. And the process of communication is a special kind of human activity aimed at establishing and maintaining communication and used to transmit information between people. The unit of communication is a certain kind of action, the so — called speech acts: statement, request, question, apology, gratitude, etc .the most natural are oral forms of communication, namely, listening and speaking, manifested most often in a dialogical form. Notes. that the purposeful inclusion of elements of role communication in the educational process allows to bring educational communication closer to the natural process of interaction of specific individuals.

Keywords: socio — cultural competence; communicative competence; foreign culture; speech communication; role plays; speech activity; speech etiquette; skills and habits.

Now in practice of education the method of projects which successfully solves not only educational, but also educational tasks is actively applied.
The method of projects gives the chance to students actively to prove in the system of the public relations, promotes formation at them a new social position, allows gaining skills of planning and the organization of the activity, to open and realize creative abilities, to develop identity of the personality.
In relation to educational occupation of a foreign language, the project is the complex of the actions which are coming to the end with creation of a creative product specially organized by the teacher and independently carried out by pupils.
Inclusion in educational process of this kind of the project as – role-playing game helps the teacher to resolve issues of development of an initiative and independence of students, promotes strengthening of motivation of studying of English.
Role-playing game sets as the purpose development of adequate use of English taking into account national and cultural specifics of speech behavior of British in the vital situations of communication.
As national and cultural specifics it is understood: historically caused types of a way of life, cultural customs, representations, etc., i.e. the fact that this society does and thinks.
It is known that the national and cultural specifics are the cornerstone of the standard rules and norms of social communication, expressing certain parties of realization of moral culture of society.
The set of rules and norms makes the emotional and psychological field of the address which has a great influence both on psychological state communicating, and on the nature of their speech behavior. It is established that ignoring of national and cultural specifics usually causes misunderstanding and, as a rule, leads to communication process violation. Therefore in mastering abilities communications in English is considered as process of familiarizing of trainees with cultural features of speech behavior of British.
Respectively, the purpose to teach, on the one hand, understanding of specifics of speech behavior of British in various situations of communication, and with another – to provide trainees with the speech formulas (at the level of automatism) allowing to carry out more successfully communication in English.
These purposes are answered to the linguistic studies texts put into operation, the system of exercises, educational movies about the English-speaking countries. Texts are taken from various sources: books on linguistic studies, sociolinguistics, and the handbooks on colloquial English published in Great Britain, etc.

Work on preparation for role-playing game consists from introductions, lessons with the list of the speech formulas characteristic of concrete situations of communication in English, and the additional list of words and phrases of communicative character.
Each lesson is devoted to a certain subject which maintenance reveals in the usual and behavioral text of a lesson.
Each lesson is devoted to a certain subject which maintenance reveals the visual behavioral text of a lesson.
The text contains information which purpose to supply the trainee with certain information on national specifics of speech behavior of British in a concrete situation of communication. Speech formulas are stylistically differentiated. In some cases, when their use is possible in any situations, a stylistic dung is not given. The formulation of the task preceding the text focuses the student on use of this or that type of reading.
After the text the exercises aimed at check of the understanding read and also formation of abilities of speaking on text material follow. These exercises are connected with interpretation and assessment of the contents read. The system of exercises of each lesson included the micro dialogues reflecting implementation in the speech of that information which was described in the text. Each dialogue is preceded by the task intended as for check of understanding of its contents, and sense, and value of the communicative modality used in it, a cliché and speech etiquette, and other speech formulas.
Question-answer exercises are focused on drawing attention of the speech formulas of communication trained to specifics of situational and adequate use for expression of certain communicative intentions.
After this the type of exercises uses the tasks aimed at judgment of speech formulas and their activation in the speech.
The last, final stage is the situational and role playing exercises aimed at the development in the trained abilities of adequate use of English in the vital situations taking into account national and cultural specifics of speech behavior of British. Considering an important role of intonation in speech communication, in some lessons a number of the most expressional speech formulas which intonation can present certain difficulties, contains a marking of the main tones.
The lists of colloquial formulas are additional material which can be used with success for creation on occupations of the situations realizing natural speech communication.
Development of socio — cultural competence plays a special role in the modern world where international tension where are of great importance patriotic and international education are quite often fueled. It is necessary to teach the younger generation to be kind, tolerant, to respect other people, to live in the world and friendship with all people. When the person knows, appreciates and respects culture, customs, traditions, languages of other countries and the people when he can be proud to introduce culture and traditions of the people or the region where he lives, about any hostility, the competition or superiority out of the question. The socio — cultural competence assumes readiness and ability to live and interact in the modern multicultural world. For achievement of this purpose training in a foreign language gives great opportunities.
The socio — cultural competence (English socio — cultural competence) is a set of knowledge of the country of the learned language, the national cultural features of social and speech behavior of native speakers and ability to use such knowledge in the course of communication, conforming to customs, rules of conduct, norms of etiquette, social conditions and stereotypes of behavior of native speakers. The socio — cultural competence is a part of communicative competence, being its component [1,35].
There are four components represent the content of socio — cultural competence, namely:
a) socio — cultural knowledge (data on the country of the learned language, cultural wealth and
cultural traditions, features of national mentality);
b) experience of communication (choice of acceptable style of communication, right
interpretation of the phenomena of foreign-language culture);
c) the personal relation to the facts of foreign-language culture (including ability to overcome
and resolve the socio — cultural conflicts at communication);
d) possession of language methods of application (the correct use of socially marked language units in the speech in various spheres of cross-cultural communication, susceptibility to similarity and differences between the native and foreign-language socio — cultural phenomena).
It is possible to speak about presence or absence at learning language of abilities to crosscultural communication. The absence or insufficient formation of socio — cultural competence is the cause of errors of socio — cultural character and, as a result of such mistakes, a miscommunication, i.e. violation of the course of foreign-language communication [2,106].
Formation of socio — cultural competence assumes socio — cultural adaptation, i.e. integration of the personality into new culture, and is inseparably linked with main objectives of education: practical, developing and educational. The educational task is most significant as formation in the modern young man of sense of patriotism and feeling of internationalism depends on the solution of this task. Learning a foreign language, we form the culture of the world in consciousness of the person. We study and we compare the language phenomena, customs, traditions, art, a way of life of the people.
The socio — cultural competence is considered as a component of communicative competence. And process of communication is a special sort of the human activity directed to establishment and maintenance of communication and used for information transfer between people. Unit of communication are a certain sort of action, so-called speech acts: statement, request, question, apology, gratitude, etc. Oral types of communication are the most natural, namely the hearing and speaking which are shown most often in a dialogical form.
The success of speech communication depends on the following factors:
• existence of desire to come into contact, i.e. to realize the arisen speech intention;
• ability to realize the speech intentions giving the chance to come into contact and relationship with other people, to inform and convince them, to influence their knowledge and abilities, to prove and reason, express the emotional relation to the transferred facts, etc.;
• possession of a sufficient stock of professionally necessary lexicon, speech samples necessary for commission of «verbal procedures»: to begin, to continue, to complete dialogue, to intercept an initiative, to change a topic of conversation, etc. and also to learn correctly to behave during communication with the partner. An important component of speech abilities in the course of communication are avtomatizm of use of formulas of speech etiquette is the typical tactics of communication characteristic of daily and professional spheres of communication, and stereotypic speech formulas expressing various communicative intentions in communication process. At the same time it is important to mean also rules of speech behavior which are connected with the unwritten laws of situational application of language units which were established in each society.
These factors make essence of communicative competence, i.e. existence of abilities to correlate language means to tasks and conditions of communication, to consider the relations between communicants, to organize speech communication taking into account social norms of behavior and communicative expediency of a statement. It is possible to stir up speech activity of students through use of the situational caused training in language by means of communicatively focused exercises to which also role-playing games belong.
Role-playing game is one of forms of the organization of the speech activity used in the educational purposes. Organized speech communication of pupils according to cast between them and a game plot is the cornerstone of role-playing game. The term «game» in various languages corresponds to concepts about a joke and laughter, ease and pleasure and indicates communication of this process with positive emotions. Top of evolution of game activity is subject or role-playing game, on terminology
According to M.F.Stronin a game is especially organized occupation demanding tension emotional and intellectual forces 5. A game always assumes decision-making — how to arrive what to tell? Desire to resolve these issues aggravates cogitative activity of players. And as the student at the same time speaks a foreign language, it is possible to speak about ample opportunities of application of role-playing games at a learning of foreign languages.
Role-playing game in educational process, in particular in development of socio — cultural competence is how important? It is possible to claim that role-playing game has huge value for formation of this competence of students. In the course of carrying out role-playing games there is a close and active connection of abilities of students with socio — cultural reality of the learned language with direct participation of the teacher, use of textbooks and also other tutorials. Enhanced action of students in the course of carrying out role-playing game is provided with use of technical means. At the present stage students widely apply the Power Point program and the system of remote displaying in time of the performance that does this process more fascinating and creative for communicants and also more attractive and evident for listeners. Besides, for creation of role situations on the basis of which games will be organized and held descriptions of situations, instructions and that is very important, quite long and thorough language training which is carried out in the course of performance of exercises some of which have role character are used.
The role-playing game constructed by such principle stimulates speech activity of students, promoting formation of stronger skills. But the situation of role communication can be an incentive to development of the spontaneous creative speech only in case it is the dynamic, but not static, connected with the decision certain problems and communicative tasks. Participants of a game have to be put in such conditions under which they need to find out the social, emotional and informative parties interpersonal relationships.. The method uniting an educational situation with real communication is based on high motivation of communication [3,71].
Role-playing games perform a number of functions which are implemented in the course of communication:
1) being model of interpersonal communication, role-playing game causes the need for communication in a foreign language, and in this sense it carries out motivational function;
2) role-playing game performs the training function, thanks to the fact that role-playing game is a training game as it substantially defines the choice of language means, contributes to the development of speech skills and abilities, allows to model communication of students in various speech situations. Role-playing game represents exercise for mastering skills and abilities of the dialogical speech in the conditions of interpersonal communication;
3) role-playing game performs the focusing function. Role-playing game forms at students ability to play a role of other person, to see itself from a position of the partner in communication. It focuses pupils on planning of own speech behavior and behavior of the interlocutor, develops ability to control the acts, to give an objective assessment to acts of others. Therefore, role-playing game can be regarded as the most exact model of communication; it assumes imitation of reality in its most essential lines. Important the fact that in role-playing games the speech and nonverbal behavior of partners intertwines closely. Therefore it is possible to call role-playing game a peculiar form of imitating modeling of conditions of future professional activity during which implementation students develop, and then improve professionally — the focused abilities.
For successful execution of roles it is necessary to consider the next moments:
• situational caused choice of language designs taking into account socio — cultural specifics of communication, namely — formulas of speech etiquette (a greeting, the address, gratitude, farewell, etc.);
• possession of the international models expressing emotions that impersonation looked is
• obligatory understanding of the purpose of role-playing game and its contents to express it as is possible more authentically [4,88].

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that purposeful inclusion in educational process of elements of role communication allows to bring closer educational communication to natural process of interaction of specific persons. Role-playing game learns to be sensitive to the social use of a foreign language. A good interlocutor often is not the one who uses structures better, and the one who can distinguish most accurately a situation in which there are partners, to consider that information which is already known (from a situation, experience) and to choose those linguistic means which will be most effective for obshcheniya8. Great advantage of role-playing games is that practically all school hours in this activity of pupils are allowed for speech practice, at the same time not only speaking, but also listening is most active since it has to understand and remember a remark of the partner, correlate it to the content of role-playing game, define as far as it corresponds to a situation and a problem of communication and, at last, it is correct to react to a remark, using the language / speech means corresponding to this role. Here only some most important aspects of value of role-playing games in the course of formation of socio — cultural competence. Of course, this problem is many-sided and demands further studying and discussion.
And it would be desirable to finish a conversation on role-playing games with an old Chinese
proverb: «Tell me and I’ll forget, teach me and I’ll remember, involve me and I’ll learn.»

1 Livingstone, Carol. Role playing in language learning/Carol Livingstone. – M.: The higher school, 2008.- 46 p.
2 Formanovskaya, N.I. Speech etiquette / N.I. Formanovskaya, S.V. Shevtsova. – M.: The higher school, 2011. – 145 p.
3 Bagramyants, N.L. Modern theories and methods of training in foreign languages / N.L. Bagramyants. – M.: Examination, 2016.- 86 p.
4 Larina, M. V. The role-playing game as means of an intensification of training in group communication / M.V. Larina. – 2015.-106 p.

Г.Т. Аубакирова¹, М.Садирбекова²
Қалыптастыру кезінде ролдік ойындарды қолдану
Қазтұтынуодағы Қарағанды экономикалық университеті,
Қарағанды қ., Қазақстан Республикасы
Бұл мақала білім алушылардың әлеуметтік-мәдени және коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін қалыптастыруға арналған. Әлеуметтік-мәдени құзыреттіліктің мазмұнын көрсететін төрт құрамдас бөліктер ұсынылған. Әлеуметтік-мәдени құзыреттілік коммуникативтік құзыреттіліктің компоненті ретінде қарастырылады. Ал коммуникация процесінің өзі-бұл байланыс орнату мен қолдауға бағытталған және адамдар арасында ақпарат беру үшін пайдаланылатын адам қызметінің ерекше түрі. Қарым — қатынастың ауызша түрлері, атап айтқанда-диалогтық формада жиі көрініс беретін тыңдау және сөйлеу байқалады. Оқу процесінде рөлдік қарым-қатынас элементтерін мақсатты түрде енгізу, оқу коммуникациясын нақты тұлғалардың өзара іс-қимылының табиғи процесіне жақындатуға мүмкіндік береді.

Г.Т. Аубакирова¹, М.Садирбекова²
Использование ролевых игр в процессе формирования социокультурной компетенции обучающихся
Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза,
г.Караганда, Республика Казахстан,

Данная статья посвящена формированию социокультурной и коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся, являющейся одной из сторон деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка. Представлены четыре составляющие, которые показывают содержание социокультурной компетенции. Рассматривается социокультурная компетенция как компонент коммуникативной компетенции. А сам процесс коммуникации – это особый род человеческой деятельности, направленной на установление и поддержание связи и используемой для передачи информации между людьми. Единицей коммуникации являются определенного рода действия, так называемые речевые акты: утверждение, просьба, вопрос, извинение, благодарность и т.п. Наиболее естественными являются устные виды общения, а именно — слушание и говорение, проявляющиеся чаще всего в диалогической форме . Отмечается. что целенаправленное включение в учебный процесс элементов ролевого общения позволяет приблизить учебную коммуникацию к естественному процессу взаимодействия конкретных личностей.

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