A.A. Gurbanova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Institute of Mardan Saparbayev, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan


In this article the author reveals the problems of creating of positive motivation in learning a foreign language with the teacher’s profound knowledge of personality of each schoolchild, which are achieved by using the techniques that cause personal interest of in tasks.
Professional skill is a relationship of professionally significant knowledge and teaching experience of the teacher, his creative and personal qualities. In other words, a foreign language teacher must know the subject he teaches and how he should build the pedagogical process in order to achieve positive results in achieving the goal of teaching a foreign language-development in students the traits of a secondary linguistic personality.

Keywords: Senior student, individual process, interactive form, professional interest, teaching method, teaching tools, foreign language, native speaker.

The problem of the teaching principles of a foreign language is among the most controversial in pedagogical science. It is common to divide all the principles of teaching a foreign language into general didactic and educational, but the number and content of the principles do not coincide in different methodological manuals. The latter can be explained by the fact that most often in the treatment of principles individual «addictions» of the authors of this or that methodical concept are manifested.
Nowadays, the initial in the relationship between the state and the individual is the understanding of the latter as a subject of history and an active figure. The society constitutionally proclaims the priority of its citizens as subjects of social life.
The new paradigm of relations between the state and the individual determines the introduction of a new philosophy of education, which requires the implementation of a new educational policy.
In accordance with this ideology, the quality of modern education is determined not only by a certain amount of knowledge, but also by specific personal characteristics that make a person capable to constantly renewing of informative dialogue with his social environment, mobile and free in his actions responsible for decisions.
Since the system of teaching a foreign language is one of the elements of a general education system, all of the above is relevant to it. Therefore, the main principle of teaching a foreign language is its personally oriented direction, direction on the language personality of the student.
The content, organization and conduct of a foreign language lesson determine the impact of students on the educational process. There are many opportunities to increase the effectiveness of the foreign language lesson in modern conditions.
The first of them can be attributed to teaching students the methods of teaching, ways of learning a foreign language, so necessary for the rational independent work of students to master it. Mastering any subject in general, and a foreign language to a greater extent, is possible only if the activity of each student is active, involving them in the speech activity themselves.
The lack of schoolchildren’s natural need and the need to use the language being studied in communicative purposes creates great difficulties for both the teacher and themselves.
The need can arise only on condition of such organization of educational activity of students, which is capable to cause high motivation, providing not only their activity at the lesson, but also retaining its force of influence also during after-hour time. Interest in the subject, desire to master it depends more on what kind of teaching technology is used, as the teacher teaches and how schoolchildren learn from him.
Language acquisition is carried out, first of all, in the lesson. The modern lesson of a foreign language is a complex education. Preparing and holding of it requires a great deal of creative effort of a teacher.
First, in the lesson, multidisciplinary tasks are solved. In each lesson, students must receive a «boost» to the practical knowledge of the language they are studying. It can be expressed in a better understanding of speech by hearing through the assimilation of new words, a new grammatical form, structure; in acquiring knowledge about the culture of the country of the studied language in the field of literature, music, history, that is, students immerse themselves in the national culture and national psychology of the country of the studied language.
Secondly, different organizational forms of work are used at the lessons: group, pair, individual. To involve everyone, you need to develop and improve your organizational skills to prepare a kind of scenario for the lesson.
Thirdly, the lesson should be provided with the means of instruction appropriate to the tasks to be accomplished.
Fourth, an important factor is the creation of positive motivation in the study of a foreign language with teacher’s profound knowledge of the personality of each schoolboy. This is achieved through the use of techniques that cause personal interest in the children in the performance of tasks. These include: speech tasks, problem assignments.
A profound understanding of what the children expect from the teacher should be seen as another opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the foreign language lesson.
It is quite obvious that it is possible to realize this provision only if the system of learning the subject is maximally oriented toward the personality of the trainee, his real needs and motives, sociocultural and individual development programs. This means that the developing of the educational process should not be carried out from the standpoint of the logic and systemic nature of the object of assimilation, but from the point of view of the development logic of the student’s personality, his subjective internal state, and his individual program of acquisition the language being studied.
Thus, the personality-oriented nature of teaching a foreign language dictates the need to rethink both the teaching activity of the teacher, and the activity and position of the learner in acquisition the language. The pupil becomes the main subject of the educational process. The teacher does not just act as a moderator, creating incentives that encourage the learner to learn the content of training, he is also an assistant and organizer of communication in the studied language and with its (language’s) help.
To teach creatively to use language is possible only in the course of active communication of students in this language. Therefore, the teaching methods aimed at mastering the language system should be replaced by new, interactive forms of instruction that unite the students who are subjects of the learning process and which impart a truly action-oriented character to the learning process.
Since the student is understood as an intellectual and self-acting individual, his speech activity is influenced by his general, constantly changing speech experience, as well as individual experience in learning the language and communicating in this language. If this is the case, then the educational process should activate the intellectual abilities, knowledge and speech experience available to each student, his emotions and moods and develop these personal parameters [1].
We agree with the opinion that the process of acquisition of foreign language by students in school conditions will be successful if it:
— is directed to the personality of the student, his real needs and motives;
— is realized by the trainees as an individual process, dependent on them;
— is provided with the teacher’s skills to identify the motivation for learning of each trainee and direct it towards successful acquisition of the language;
— has an active, cognitive, creative character;
— is oriented not to the logic and system of the subject of assimilation, but to the logic of the
development of the student’s personality, his subjective internal state;
— stimulates the manifestation of students’ own activity, joy and pleasure from communicating with each other, from all that is necessary to be engaged in lessons;
— takes into account, first of all, the individual prerequisites for learning and learning conditions, and not differences between systems of native and foreign languages [1].
At the same time, the quality of the learning process depends equally on the professional skill of the teacher, and on the ability of the student to understand and accept the tasks and content of the subject. The student must be able to effectively and efficiently build up his activities in acquisition foreign language skills and skills, focusing on the purpose of learning to build their communication with the teacher, comrades, with the book, etc.
It should be noted that the modern stage in the development of the foreign language teaching system, characterized by the diversification of options for studying the subject, dictates the need to bring the content of training in line with the stages and with the specifics of different types of schools/classes, or, more specifically, the learning conditions.
Obviously, it is not possible to teach school students of general education schools and gymnasiums, schools of humanitarian and technical profile on the same texts, communication situations.
For school students, during the formation of their professional interests, a foreign language should become a reliable means of familiarizing with scientific and technological progress, a means of satisfying cognitive interests.
Therefore, in the senior classes, it is natural to expand and deepen the subject matter at the expense of regional, general humanitarian or technical material, oriented to the future specialty of students. It should be provided an acquaintance with the elements of vocational guidance and retraining in the country of the studied language, familiarization with the peculiarities of the chosen profession and the role of the studied language in mastering professional skills.
Thus, in the content of education should include mechanisms that reveal the possibility of practical use of the studied language as a means of developing and satisfying the interests of students, including non-linguistic ones.
When selecting modern teaching methods, the following criteria should be taken into account, according to which the used methods should:
— create an atmosphere in which the student feels comfortable and free; stimulate the interests of the trainee, develop his desire to practically use a foreign language, as well as the need to learn;
— affect the personality of the student as a whole, involve his emotions, feelings and sensations in the learning process;
— activate the pupil, making him the main character in the educational process, actively interacting with other participants in this process;
— create situations in which the teacher is not the central figure; the student must realize that learning a foreign language is more closely related to his personality and interests than to the teacher’s methods and means of instruction;
— teach the student to work on the language independently at the level of physical, intellectual and emotional possibilities;
— provide various forms of work in the class: individual, group, collective, fully stimulating the activity of trainees, their independence, creativity, etc. [2].
Successful implementation of the target aspects of teaching a foreign language in their modern understanding fully depends on the level of professional training of a foreign language teacher. He must have professional competence, i.e. ability to effectively carry out their teaching activities. Indicator of the formation of this competence is the professional skill of the teacher.
Thus, professional skill is the interrelationship of professionally significant knowledge and teacher’s experience in teaching, his creative and personal qualities. In other words, a foreign language teacher must know the subject he teaches and how he should build the pedagogical process in order to achieve positive results in achieving the goal of teaching a foreign languagedevelopment in students the traits of a secondary linguistic personality.
He must creatively treat his profession, refracting his pedagogical experience in accordance with the individual characteristics of students and specific learning conditions. But to be a real professional, it is not enough just to know the subject and the ability to teach it.
It is important for the teacher to work in this area, his positive attitude towards teacher’s work and the need to improve his professional knowledge and skills.
For this, the teacher needs the knowledge of:
— the system of language and the main linguistic and linguodidactic categories, as well as the culture of the country of the studied language, its history and contemporary problems of development, including the contemporary problems of foreign peers of students with whom they had to work;
— the main provisions of the general education concept at a certain stage of the development of the society of state general education policy, including the foreign language;
— the psychology of the personality of the student in each specific «epoch» of its development, the laws of learning a foreign language in educational conditions;
— the basic requirements set by society and science to the teacher, his level of professional skill and personal quality;
— the main regularities of teaching a foreign language, as well as the content and specifics of all the components of the learning process: goals, content, methods, means of instruction from the point of view of their historical development and the current state [1, p.140].
Considering that the teacher is the only «bearer» of the studied language to the level of his language training the special requirements are applied.
The teacher of a foreign language should simultaneously manage both the process of learning by the students of the studied language as a means of intercultural communication and the process of communication in this language in the learning process, and for this he must be able to transfer their knowledge, skills and abilities to schoolchildren and organize an educational process in the center of which there must be a linguistic personality of the learner of a certain level.
The emergence and existence of a natural language in the history of mankind is inextricably connexted with the emergence and existence of human — Homo sapiens.
The investigator of the language problems writes that «Language in general is a natural (at a certain stage of the development of human society) arising and regularly developing semiotic (sign) system, which has the property of social destiny is a system that exists primarily not for a single individual, but for a certain society» [2, p.604]. In his opinion, they can be grouped as follows (Pic 1):

It is necessary to explain that artificial languages as «… sign systems created for use in those areas where the use of natural language is less effective or impossible», but they are not the subject of our consideration. We are interested in a foreign language, which acts as a kind of alternative to the native language.
But what should be understood by the native language? As M.Dyachkov points out, there are various, sometimes contradictory criteria for determining the native language [3, p.15]. Optimal is the criterion of origin, according to which the mother tongue is the language in which the mother begins to communicate with the child from the moment of his birth and who is assimilated to them to some extent in the womb. The concept of «mother tongue» when choosing the language of instruction in an educational institution is adequately replaced by the notion of «basic functional language», that is, the language by which a 5-6-year-old child is fluently speaks.
Referring again to Pic.1, we see that a non-native language can be represented by two options: a foreign language and a second language. A foreign language is understood as a language that is studied outside the conditions of its natural existence; in the educational process, and which is not used along with the first in everyday communication, while the second language is a language that, after or along with the former, serves as the second means of communication and is usually absorbed in the social environment, where it is the real medium of communication [3, p.31].
The teaching of a foreign language, as defined by I.V. Rakhmanov, is «… the process of systematic and consistent informing of the teacher’s knowledge and skills in the field of foreign languages, the process of active and conscious assimilation by their students, the process of creating and retaining in children those qualities that we aspire to educate them «[4, p. 13]. From this definition, it is obvious that the learning process is a two-way process, which includes in their unity the teaching activity of the teacher and the student’s learning activity, aimed at learning the language.
As already noted above, a person’s access to a new language can be carried out in different conditions: in the country of the studied language and outside it. In both cases, we can talk about training.
The study of a foreign language in the country of the studied language can be carried out in two forms:
— in groups of trainees — representatives of the same culture and speaking the same native language;
— in heterogeneous groups (according to language), where the foreign language being studied is a natural means of communication during the lesson and during off-hour time.
The study of a foreign language in isolation from the country of the studied language also has at least two sub-variants:
— under the guidance of the teacher-holder of the language being studied, which makes it possible for the natural use of the language in communication with the teacher, not only in the classroom, but also during off-hour time;
— under the guidance of a teacher, not a native speaker [5, p. 95].
The latter is most typical for the domestic condition of teaching a foreign language. At the same time, all the named forms have one common component: they are manageable in nature, and in these cases it is a question of teaching the language and learning the language.
However, we have already noted that the mastery of a foreign language in the natural conditions of its existence and in isolation from the language environment can have not only a controlled but uncontrollable character, i.e. flowing spontaneously.

An uncontrolled process of acquisition a non-native language in a language environment is built according to the laws of acquisition the first language by the child. This process is characterized by unconscious, intuitive acquisition of the language, carried out in the course of socialization of the child’s personality.
The main specific features of this process, i.e. process of uncontrolled acquisition of the language, in a generalized form can be represented as follows:
1. Language is used in situations of everyday communication in various spheres of society. Consequently, a person who is trying to learn a new language for him has a long enough time for language practice, while the social need in this language is extremely high: knowledge of the language can provide a person with a full stay and residence in the country where this language is the only (or primary ) means of communication.
2. In the process of direct communication with a native speaker, the person who knows this language uses, as a rule, all means of communication available in his arsenal, including nonlinguistic ones. Getting into a new language environment, he suddenly becomes convinced that he has at his disposal a sufficient arsenal of non-linguistic means for expression intent, and at first his speech activity is minimal: he most often uses non-verbal means, gradually acquiring a minimum of linguistic experience. In the process of communication, the focus is primarily on the content (the subject of communication), and not on the comprehension of the linguistic form and the system of language.
3. Acquisition of the language in direct contact with its carrier is carried out in the situation of immersion of a person in a natural language environment. This certainly can not but affect positively on the process of mastering the language as a means of communication. Under these conditions, a person acquainted with the new language develops a creative competence that allows using language tools in various contexts spontaneously and at a productive level, which ensures communicative activity in the language being studied.
4. Mastering the language in a natural language environment, a person uses, as a rule, only those language means that he has, and which can represent different language styles
5. Regardless of whether the process of mastering a foreign language as the second language in the natural conditions of its existence is spontaneous or controlled, its effectiveness depends significantly on the person’s readiness to integrate into a new socio-cultural environment that may be different. It is determined by a number of factors, including age: the older the person, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to the new environment. The latter is determined by the social and cultural experience of an adult and the fear of losing his identity with his native culture and society [6, p.9-10].
In conditions of acquisition the language in the natural language environment and in learning the language, a person acquires a linguistic experience acquired by him with the available experience in his native language, carried out, first of all, at the level of comprehension of grammatical rules.
The only difference is that in the process of teaching a foreign language, grammar rules are «given» to students or derived by them independently, while in the case of uncontrolled mastery of the language, the rules are not informed and consciously practiced. In the second case, a person «filters» these rules, based on his personal language experience.
Thus, the main differences between the two possible variants of language of learning lie not in the field of consciousness or intuition, but in the way of mastering language rules [6, p.34].
Practice shows that in natural conditions, acquisition the language as a means of communication in everyday situations is much more effective because of the greater motivation of speech acts and the need for communication in this language. In order for the learning process to be effective from the point of view of mastering the contents of the academic subject, it is necessary to know the laws on which the school language is mastered.
The above mentioned features distinguish any controlled acquisition of a foreign language, regardless of whether it occurs in the country of the studied language or outside it. However, if in the natural language environment the studied language is simultaneously a means of communication and mutual understanding between people in everyday life, which enhances the pragmatic significance of the process of acquisition the language and motivates the speech activity of a person speaking another language, then in isolation from the country of the studied language, the foreign language acts as a means of general education for the learner; as a means of communication, the language studied is most often present only in the classroom.
Hence it can be assumed that the process of acquisition a foreign language outside the country of the studied language and without direct contact with its carriers will be effective if it acquires all the possible characteristics of the natural process of acquisition the language and as close as possible to the conditions of controlled mastering of the language in the natural language situation [ 7, p. 38-39].
It is known that in professional communication the concept «education system in the field of foreign language» can be used in at least three senses: as a process or a set of educational processes in a foreign language; as a system of educational institutions in which a foreign language is studied,
i.e. system as a social institution; as a socio-cultural sphere of activities to involve citizens of society in a foreign language.

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А.А. Гурбанова
Шет тілін оқушыларды өздігінен оқыту қағидалары
Мардан Сапарбаев институты
Шымкент қ., Қазақстан
Осы мақалада автор әрбір оқушының жеке басын білу арқылы шетел тілін меңгерудегі оңтайлы уәждеме жасау проблемаларын ашып көрсетеді, ол балалар тапсырмаларына жеке қызығушылық тудыратын әдістерді қолданады.

А.А. Гурбанова, к.п.н.
Проблема принципов самостоятельного обучения учащихся иностранному языку Институт Мардана Сапарбаева г.Шымкент, Республика Казахстан
В этой статье автор рассматривает проблемы создания учителем эффективной мотивации при изучении иностранного языка с глубоким знанием личности каждого школьника, которое достигается с помощью методов, вызывающих личную заинтересованность в заданиях.

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