Milyutin K.(Kazakhstan)
Kazakh National Agrarian University
Scientific director: Kydyrbay K.K.
Abstract:Veterinary medicine — (from the Latin veterinaris -. Caring for animals, treating cattle) — area of scientific knowledge and practical activities aimed at combating animal diseases, protecting people from zooantroponozov (infections common to animals and humans), the release of benign in sanitary terms products & Solutions animal health environmental issues.The most important source for the study of the most ancient traces of breeding livestock are the skeletal remains. They give grounds to assert that cows, sheep, goats and pigs bred in the Neolithic Egypt (V1-V millennium BC) in China, as well as in Europe (111 thousand years BC), the Near East and Central Asia as well as in India (1V and V millennium BC). Much later it was domesticated reindeer at the Sayano-Altai mountains (near the beginning of our era), as well as Lama in Central America.
Key words: veterinary medicine, animals, history, foundation, disease.
History of veterinary medicine — the science that studies the origin and development of veterinary science, its achievements in the prevention and elimination of infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases, creating healthy herds of farm animals, as well as the protection of the population from infectious diseases common to humans and animals. History of Veterinary Medicine summarizes the accumulated knowledge and enriches the world Veterinarian, Veterinary shows the relationship with the achievements of other sciences, technology and economics. The study of history is of great importance for the further development of veterinary medicine and as a means of patriotic education of the modern veterinarian. Veterinary knowledge is ancient history. Veterinary science and activities of specialists in this field developed in close communication and depending on the development of civilization and the formation of knowledge in the natural sciences.The domestication of animals — the basis of the birth of veterinary medicine. The first of the wild animals domesticated by man, was a dog. There is evidence that its domestication occurred in the Paleolithic period, and was associated with the development of the hunting activities of people. The development of crops in the period of primitive society contributed to the domestication of almost all currently used animal species. The first farmers domesticated sheep, pig, goat, cow, and later in the century metal — horse and camel.Primitive human relationship with nature was much closer and deeper than its modern civilized descendants.The hunters knew the habits of their victims, have an idea about their way of life, about the routes daily and seasonal migrations of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Ancient hunters know that the most striking part of the thoracic cavity is the heart, they knew about the large vessels associated with it. Ancient hunter could without damaging the liver separated from her gall bladder. He successfully used the «core» for stitching the skins and onion production. He had a good idea of the tendon endings of muscles.Our ancestors received the initial information on the comparative anatomy at the cutting of carcasses of animals of different species. They saw similarities in the structure of the same structures and organs in animals of different species, but the most observant of the hunters pay attention to the differences in the structure of the same organs in animals of different species.Veterinary medicine originated in ancient times in connection with the needs of the person. She has come a long and difficult path of accumulation and improvement of knowledge. Development of the national veterinary medicine as well as contributed to the emergence of the pottery industry. The emergence of pottery made it possible not only to cook and store food, but prepare drugs «drug» for treating sick people and animals.Knowledge folk veterinary passed from generation to generation and they have been successfully used in the activity folk healers until the XIX — XX century.Ancient East was the cradle of human culture. Here, before other places to make the transition from the primitive — communal system to build the slave. The peoples and nations of the East before the other, for the years 4000-5000 BC, entered the arena of history and left the most ancient historical monuments. The culture of slave countries of the Ancient East has had a great influence on the development of the European countries. For several millennia BC the peoples of the Ancient East are having the first shoots of the materialist worldview and the beginnings of scientific knowledge about nature. Forming integral with the natural-scientific views, these views against idealism cleared the way for the development of science. Materialistic direction of philosophical thought of the ancient East is not yet able to rely on a system of scientific knowledge, which is then in its infancy, but were closely associated with the accumulation of information about the nature of bodies and phenomena. During the decomposition of primitive society and its transformation into a class society doctoring functions previously inherent in many members of the community, gradually concentrated in the hands of a narrow circle of people, especially the elders and priests. In the treatment of priests widely used form of mysterious prayers, sacrifices, accompanied by magical acts, fortune telling, interpretations, various «miracles», «revelations», and so on. D. Cure brought the priests and the temples of big profits. In an effort to preserve and expand the customer base of churches, along with the mystical and magical forms of healing priests used empirically and found ways and means of healing Folk veterinary medicine. Priests have a lot of people’s experience of healing, they were taken remedies, to notice the differences between them. Physician knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, the experience complements and builds up, it was hard to keep in mind. Therefore, after the emergence of writing were writing prescriptions, disease descriptions, therapeutic techniques and methods of preparation of drugs. Priests become the custodians of knowledge about the nature and with the advent of writing recorded people’s experience. But the role of people caring for animals, in animal treatment, has not lost its value. Shepherds accumulated knowledge passed on to subsequent generations of experience and enjoyed by the same clergy.Thus, to a certain extent the shepherds were the first folk veterinary obstetricians, internists, surgeons and pharmacists. Modern historians of domestic medicine point out that the shepherds of the primitive communal system had a positive impact on the development of medicine. Thus, PE Zabludovskii (1960) believes that «the care of the cattle in the transition from hunting to the domestication of animals — cattle breeding, in particular cattle aid for injuries, births, shepherds observations on the action of various herbs and other plants on livestock, also enriched and information on the medicine. » Professor FR Borodulin (1961) noted: «Cattle breeding was a new impetus to the development of medicine. Pastoralism has contributed to further development of the medicinal herbalism, the shepherds watched the action on the plants and animals transferred his observations on humans. Pastoralism greatly advanced the surgery as well. In the era of copper and stone culture (Chalcolithic period) and later, human use of native metals (copper, tin, lead, silver, etc.) And melt them in a crucible contributed to obtaining bronze (an alloy of copper and tin), from which produced medical and veterinary surgery instruments. Western Europe in the early Middle Ages was dominated by the barbarian tribes and was in a state of deep economic and cultural decline. Scientific creativity stopped. Science was not allowed to go beyond the limits set by faith. Centers of medieval medicine have been universities, which allowed the study of some ancient authors. In the medical field such official recognized authority was Galen. Because his works were taken painted idealistic conclusions and completely abandoned research methods (experiments and autopsy). Also Galen studied the works of Hippocrates, of the works which have been accepted are those where the lowest power sounded his materialist views. Proceedings of the Greek philosophers came to Europe by the Arabs, who translated them into Arabic from Greek, developed and deepened. In X-XII centuries.the dominant form of philosophy in Western Europe was the scholastic medicine. In the XII century.it reached its peak. The meaning of scholasticism was to justify, organize and protect the official church ideology by artificial formalist logic tweaks. Scholastic medicine based on abstract constructions, speculative conclusions, arguments and allowed memorizing texts of Galen and Hippocrates. The experiment in the natural sciences and medicine has been completely discarded. An autopsy was forbidden by the church. Some universities allowed an autopsy once in 3-5 years. The first public dissection of corpses, produced in the late Middle Ages, were so rare and unusual that often became a sensation. It was at that time the tradition of the device «anatomical theater».In Kazakhstan Veterinary developed almost in the same direction. The animals were treated mainly shepherds, as the Kazakh people are mainly engaged in nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralists. Kazakhs treated animals different herbs, tinctures, used different rites (attend the cult worship of fire and the Mother-wolf»TengriUmai»). Gradually, with the entrance of Kazakhstan in the Russian Empire, the development of science, and many other factors, veterinary medicine also received its development. January 1, 1905 in the city of Orenburg Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute was founded (KazNIVI) — the first-born of Kazakhstan science, veterinary science coordinator of the whole of Kazakhstan. A significant contribution to the establishment of the institute and the development of veterinary science of Kazakhstan made prominent scientists USSR, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmen SSR EM Rafalovich, academics SN Vyshelesski, SN Boev, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR YaKleinbock, Professor RS Schultz, NI Badanin, II Arkhangelsk, V.T.Uvarov, AA Tselishev, MA Babich, U.T.Tashmuhametov, NP Orlov, K.P.Studentsov and others. The walls KazNIVI fruitful work on the development of new and improvement of existing methods of combating agricultural diseases animals known scientists: A.A.Abutalip, K.A.Turgenbaev, Yu.M.Gorelov, V.B.Ten, ShBaramova, A.S.Zhumash, E.G.Sidorov, B.Sh.Karataev, A.M.Abdybekova, M.Umitzhanov and many others. In 1929 was founded the Veterinary Institute to train veterinarians, zooengineers generalist specializing in karakul sheep, poultry, horses, and other specialties. Soon, the school was transformed into Veterinary Zootechnical Institute, renamed in 1933 in Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute. During the Great Patriotic War on the front as volunteers left 206 students and staff of the Institute. Hero of the Soviet Union have been awarded one of the 28 Panfilov Guardsmen of the Institute A. tress and a graduate of the Institute E. Nietkaliev. In 1979 AZVI was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. In 1981 — 1982 years the institute had an enrollment of more than 5 thousand students, 314 teachers work, including 20 professors and doctors of sciences, 170 docents and candidates of sciences.. In 1996, through the merger of the Almaty zoo-veterinary and agricultural institutes Kazakh Kazakh State Agrarian University was established (KazGAU), which was appointed rector, academician of NAS RK Sagadiyev KA In 2001, NursultanNazarbayev was granted the special status of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan Decree of the President of the national institution of higher education (KazNAU).
1. Wernham, R. B. (1968). The New Cambridge ModernHistory: The Counter-Reformation and price revolution, 1559-1610, Volume 3, p.472. Cambridge University Press.
2. Hunter, Pamela (2004). Veterinary Medicine: A Guide to Historical Sources, p. 1. AshgatePublishing
Бұл мақалада ветеринарлық медицинаның ғылым ретiнде калыптасуы мен дамуы, оның инфекциялық ауруларды жою мақсатындағы табысты әрекетi қарастырылған. Мал шаруашылығында денi сау мал табындарын және тұрғындарды жұқпалы аурулардан қорғау жайлы жазылған.
В этой статье рассмотрено возникновение и развитие ветеринарной медицины как науки, ее достижения в деле профилактики и ликвидации инфекционных, инвазионных и незаразных болезней, создания здоровых стад сельскохозяйственных животных, а также охраны населения от заразных болезней, общих для человека и животных. А также приведены труды авторов и ученых, которые оказали большой вклад в развитии ветеринарии.