A.T. Duisenbina,1 G.K. Zhunussova2
1Candidate of Philological Sciences, Sh.UalikhanovKokshetau State University, Kokshetau,
Kazakhstan, e-mail: duisenbina_a@mail.ru
2Master student,Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, e-mail:


The article deals with the problem of teaching listening as one of the main goals of teaching a foreign language, along with reading, speaking and writing. The authors suggest the possibility of using podcasting as an interactive means of ensuring the quality of teaching a foreign language due to its authenticity, accessibility, versatility and relevance to individual characteristics. The article defines podcast, analyzes its advantages, possibilities of such social service from the point of view of development of listening competence, defines requirements to audio texts. It is also noted that this tool improves not only listening and speaking skills, but also increases the motivation of students and skills of independent work, develops ICT competence and cognitive activity. In addition, the authors present the criteria for assessing the level of formation of foreign-language communication competence of students.

Key words: listening comprehension; foreign language teaching; a podcast; a level of understanding of the text.
Listening comprehension is a receptive type of speech activity; semantic perception of oral communication. It consists of simultaneous perception of the language form and understanding of the content of the statement. When teaching a foreign language, the ultimate goal is to develop auditory skills that do not dissociate form and content [1].
Listening comprehension should be one of the objectives of foreign language teaching, along with reading, speaking and writing, and should be a constant interrelation with them. Systematic teaching should be respected, and students should be encouraged to work independently.
The correct selection and use of sources of information largely determine the effectiveness of the auditory training process. Training should be provided on appropriate material that takes into account the communicative goals of this receptive speech activity. Authentic texts are appropriate for these purposes.
In the context of the informatization of linguistic education, the regular use of new information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching is of particular importance. Such technologies may include, for example, electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated with the help of a computer and a multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, electronic encyclopedias and reference books, simulators and testing programs, distance learning and virtual modeling systems, web quests, teleconferences, educational resources of the Internet and others, as well as podcasts.
There are many definitions of podcast. The Collins Dictionary defines ‘podcast’ as an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, that can be downloaded and listened to on a computer or MP3 player [2].
There are definitions of other sources, for example, a Russian professor, Doctor of
Pedagogical Sciences Sysoev P. B. defines ‘podcast’ as an audio or video recording made by any person and available for listening in the global network [3].
Social service of podcasts allows to listen, view, create and distribute audio and video recordings. Being regularly updated analogues of radio programs, podcasts include relevant news from different spheres of public life, which allows us to speak about their informational and pedagogical function, under the condition of the authority of the site that provides podcasts. Being a relatively new technology for teaching foreign language, podcasts are a technology that will definitely make the process of learning more interesting and effective and, ultimately, will contribute to the improvement of the new quality of foreign language professional training in the context of the implementation of third generation standards [4].
Podcasts can contain not only audio but also video files. These files can be downloaded to syndicates via a web connection or connected online to a computer or mobile device. In some cases, podcast servers offer developed speech receptive exercises and text-based understanding tests to reinforce the material they have heard. In addition, the availability of podcast scripts is very valuable. The learner can listen to or view the content of the podcast at any time convenient for him or her, independently adjusting the speed and frequency of listening (viewing).
The learner focuses on his or her individual sensory perception of the world, depending on the dominant senses. The basics of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) allowed us to identify the algorithm of ‘visual’ and ‘audio’ activity, which triggers the processes of thinking, memory and imagination. It is not always possible to take into account the differences between visual and auditory types of information perception in the class: the podcast allows to solve this problem. The use of podcasts helps to diversify the learning process and make the lesson more dynamic.
Another advantage of using podcasts is the implementation of the requirement of differentiated instruction. It is not a secret that in one parallel or even in one class there are often students at different levels of foreign language proficiency. T.A. Kashurikova [5], A.S. Sukhanova [6], E.Y. Malushko [7] note that podcasts provide an opportunity to approach the organization of such type of speech activity as listening in a new way by creating an illusory natural language environment, which is associated with the diversity of speakers voicing podcasts. There is an active development of the ability to identify different voices, taking into account the peculiarities of timbre, diction, loudness, and speaking speed.
According to O.V. Halturina, podcasts have the following advantages in comparison with other types of technical means of education:
— they are relevant, modern and authentic;
— they contain real situations for the development of oral speech;
— have an emotional impact by stimulating spontaneous speech;
— provide significantly more information per unit of time through visual and auditory channels [8].
On the basis of the above we come to the conclusion that work with podcasts should be focused on further real communicative use. The variety of topics and genres of podcasts (news, sports, interviews, radio shows, etc.) allows to ensure the variability of learning content not only in listening but also in speaking. According to P.V. Sysoyev, students develop the following speaking skills when working with podcasts:
— to pass on the purpose of communication;
— to describe the main participants of the message;
— to describe the main content of what has been heard / seen;
— to transmit the requested/selected information;
— to transmit basic facts and arguments according to the questions;
— to characterize characters of fiction, theatre, cinema, etc;
— to express and argue his point of view on the issue under discussion;
— to draw conclusions;
— to evaluate the information received [9].
A.S. Sukhanova distinguishes the following types of podcasts:
1) educational — specially prepared for those studying the language; 2) non-educational — engaged by a teacher for educational purposes [6].
In the process of selecting an educational podcast, according to E.Y. Malushko, the following criteria should be used:
— authenticity of selected Internet materials;
— the thematic relevance of materials to the curriculum;
— updateability of Internet materials;
— compliance with the interests and capabilities of the students;
— orientation of podcast materials towards real communicative use;
— quality of recording (clarity of diction, expressiveness of tone, natural pace of speech) [7]
The dynamic nature of podcasting, i.e. the periodicity, or seriality, of programs, the simplicity of the free subscription procedure are extremely attractive to both authors and listeners, which in turn stimulates the substantial diversity of existing podcasts.
The assessment of the level of development of foreign-language communicative competence of experimental and control groups is based on the modernized research by the authors. It seems reasonable to present the criteria for assessment of the level of formation of foreign-language communicative competence of students based on the methodology of M. V. Verbitskaya, K. S. Mahmuryan, N. N. Trubaneva [10].
Table 1
Criteria for evaluating the level of foreign language communication competence of students when working with podcasts

Auditory comprehension
Mark Criteria
5 has no difficulty listening to podcasts at a natural pace
4 understands only common statements in the text of the podcast
3 understands only the main content of the podcast text when it is slow or based on the script
2 can only recognize simple words and basic phrases if they are slow or based on a script
Mark Criteria
5 can build a statement on his own
4 can only build and communicate its message to others with the help of leading questions or catchphrases
3 can build and communicate his thoughts to others, but only on a certain topic (about himself, about family, about everyday topics)
2 can only use single phrases and simple sentences to convey its message to others

The level of foreign language communication competence of high school students, according to the methodology of M. V. Verbitskaya, K. S. Mahmuryan, N. N. Trubaneva, is determined taking into account the two final scores of indicators by the formula: LFCC = (L + S): 2, where:
LFCC — level of foreign language communication competence.
L — final score for the auditory comprehension.
S — final score for speaking.
The appropriate level of foreign language communication competence was «assigned» to the student according to the following diagnostic tools:
The advanced level — from 4.5 to 5 points; The threshold level — from 3, 5 to 4 points; Low level — from 3 to 2, 5 points.

Based on the analysis of the theoretical base, it was revealed that podcast can be used not only as a didactic material for receptive tasks, but also for the development of speaking, training and control of prepared and unprepared speech of students.
Taking all the above into account, it is legitimate to say that podcasts can increase motivation to learn, develop ICT competence and cognitive activity. The use of podcasting technology opens up a wide range of opportunities for students to overcome the language barrier by engaging in an authentic language environment. We assume that the use of podcasts in foreign language teaching will make the learning process more interesting and effective, and we plan to further test the developed set of exercises.

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2 Collins. Электронный словарь [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/podcast (дата обращения: 25.12.2018).
3 Сысоев П.В. Подкасты в обучении иностранному языку / П.В. Сысоев // Язык и
культура. — 2014. — 2(26). — С. 189-201
4 Сысоев П.В., Евстигнеев М.Н. Методика обучения иностранному языку на основе новых информационно-коммуникационных Интернет-технологий. — М.: Глосса-Пресс: Феникс, 2009. — 182 с.
5 Кашурникова Т. А. Использование технологии подкастинга в современном обучении. https://nsportal.ru/kashurnikova-tatvana-anatolevna.
6 Суханова А. С. Подкасты в обучении аудированию /А.С. Суханова // Проблемы и перспективы развития образования: материалы VIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Краснодар, февраль 2016 г.). — Краснодар, 2016. — С. 73-75.
7 Малушко Е. Ю. Критерии отбора подкастов для формирования иноязычной аудитивной компетенции у студентов вузов / Е. Ю. Малушко // Научные проблемы гуманитарных исследований. — Выпуск № 6. — 2011. — С. 146-152.
8 Халтурина О. В. Использование видеоподкастов для оптимизации процесса обучения иностранным языкам / О.В. Халтурина // Молодой ученый. — 2012. — №6. — С. 453456. — https://moluch.ru.
9 Сысоев П.В., Евстигнеев М.Н. Технологии Веб 2.0: Социальный сервис подкастов в обучении иностранному языку // Иностранные языки в школе. №2 (26), 2014, – 189-201с.
10 Вербицкая М. В. Новые государственные стандарты школьного образования по иностранному языку: учебное пособие / М. В. Вербицкая, К. С. Махмурян, Н. Н. Трубанева. — Москва, 2004. — 75 с.

А.Т. Дуйсенбина , Г.К. Жунусова 2
Шет тілін оқытудағы тыңдау дағдыларын қалыптастыру үшін аутентикалық подкасттарды пайдалану
1,2 Ш. Уәлихановатындағы Көкшетау мемлекеттік университеті, Көкшетау, Қазақстан
Мақала оқуды, сөйлеуді, жазуды қоса алғанда, шет тілін үйренудің басты мақсаттарының бірі ретінде тыңдауды үйрету мәселесін қарастырады.Авторлар подкастингті шынайы, қолжетімділігі, әмбебаптығы және жеке сипаттамаларына сәйкестігі себебінен шет тілін оқыту сапасын қамтамасыз етудің құралы ретінде қолдану мүмкіндігін ұсынды. Мақала подкастты анықтайды, оның артықшылықтарын талдайды, шет тілін меңгеру құзыреттілігін дамыту тұрғысынан мұндай әлеуметтік қызметтердің мүмкіндіктері аудио мәтіндерге қойылатын талаптарды анықтайды. Бұл құрал тек тыңдау дағдларын ғана емес, АКТ құзыреттілігін және танымдық белсенділігін дамытады. Бұдан басқа, авторлар студенттердің шет тілдік коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру деңгейін бағалау критерийлерін ұсынды.

Дуйсенбина А.Т.1, Жунусова Г.К.2
Применение аутентичных подкастов для формирования навыков аудирования при обучении иностранному языку
обучающихся и навыки самостоятельной работы, развивает ИКТ — компетенцию и познавательную активность. Кроме того, авторами представлены критерии оценивания уровня сформированности иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.

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