N. Nemchenko1, A.Kairova2, D. Ryspaуeva³
1 Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent of Kokshetau State University named after
S.Ualikhanov, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, e-mail:
2 2 nd year master student, Kokshetau State University named after S.Ualikhanov, Kokshetau, Кazakhstan, e-mail:
3 Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent of Kokshetau State University named after S.Ualikhanov, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, e-mail:


This article discusses the relevance and importance of English grammar laboratory works. Nowadays laboratory work as a method of learning is largely explorative in nature, and in this sense is highly appreciated in didactics. The article also describes the system of laboratory works for individual language acquisition by students. Every stage of this system is described. The presented system of laboratory exercises can serve as an example of students’ individual activities to develop language communicative skills for home assignments or in off and online classes in distance education. The main characteristics of designed educational manual containing a set of exercises built on this model are presented. The examples of exercises of the educational manual are given.

Keywords: laboratory work, English grammar, individual language acquisition, teaching method, system of laboratory work, Dublin Descriptors.

Laboratory work is a method of teaching in which students under the guidance of a teacher and according to a pre-planned plan perform certain practical tasks and in the process they perceive and comprehend new educational material, consolidate the previously acquired knowledge.
Laboratory work as a method of learning is largely explorative in nature, and in this sense is highly appreciated in didactics. This is an individual work that awakens in students a deep interest in the surrounding nature, the desire to comprehend, to study the surrounding phenomena, to apply the acquired knowledge to the solution of both practical and theoretical problems. [1]
Thus, the purpose of using this method while teaching English is to present, consolidate the studied language material and enhance interest in the subject.

Laboratory work is considered to be one of the most important components of the entire educational process, without which training will be incomplete and insufficient. Therefore, laboratory work is an integral part of the process of obtaining any scientific knowledge. Laboratory work combines a test of knowledge and gaining vast experience in the necessary theme. It is important to have theoretical knowledge in order to begin to carry out laboratory work. [2]
English grammar laboratory works can be carried out both in online and offline classes. They are widely used for distance learning.
English grammar laboratory works have a clear structure and are built on a specific model. Methodists identify different models of construction of laboratory work. This article deals with a type of individual grammar laboratory work based on the system of traditionally accepted model according to the Dublin descriptors in teaching, including teaching English.
In this model exercises are formed on 5 main learning outcomes:
1. Knowledge and understanding
2. Application of knowledge and understanding
3. Formation of judgments
4. Communicative abilities
5. Skills of learning or learning ability
Some methodists identify three main stages in the formation of grammar skills in productive speech:
1) familiarization and initial consolidation
2) training
3) application
Another model is also presented in laboratory works when obtaining the required grammar skills students go through a number of stages:
1) the perception of the model;
2) model imitation (action by analogy);
3) substitution (increases the ability to reproduce a grammar structure on the basis of analogy);
4) transformation;
5) reproduction;
6) combination (transfer of the model to another model). The last two stages are transitional from skill to skill.
All the above mentioned models have something in common with each other. The last mentioned model seems to be the most accurate and clear.
Laboratory work based on these models has a variety of exercises: question and answer, exercises to change the grammar forms of verbs, to complete sentences and dialogues, to paraphrase, to create their own small dialogues, stories, exercises — discussion of problem situations, etc. The main purpose of laboratory work is to promote the assimilation of students of the nature of grammatical phenomena, mastering practical skills and their use.
The subject of attention in this article is the constructions of the group of oblique moods associated with the expression of the desirable action or the condition assumption: Subjunctive II, The Conditional mood, The Suppositional mood, Subjunctive I.
Before students are offered exercises to train the subject of mood in communication they are given some important information on this grammar category — mood is a grammatical category which shows the attitude of the speaker to the action expressed by the verb from the point of view of reality. There are three moods in English: the Indicative mood, the Imperative mood, the Oblique mood. The Indicative Mood shows that the action or state expressed by the verb is true to fact. E.g. We came home late. The Imperative Mood expresses a command or a request. E.g. Don’t come home late! The Oblique Mood shows that the action or state expressed by the verb is imaginary, desirable or not true to fact. E.g. If only I could go home! If he had come home early he would have met her!
There are four forms of the Oblique moods in English:
1) Subjunctive II (Present and Past)
2) The Conditional mood (Present and Past)
3) The Suppositional mood (Present and Past)
4) Subjunctive I (only one form). [3]
The theoretical introduction into training this grammar category should be short and contain the major facts.
In accordance with the studied exercise systems, it is assumed that laboratory work is to include the following types of exercises :

Exercises on the perception of the model, that is, on the knowledge and understanding of the grammar rule that deals with the grammar form :

Ex. 1. Fill in the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I don’t think I can ever trust him again. If only he (not to tell) me a lie.
2. Jim is not at all hard-working. Oh, if he (to be) not so lazy.
3. Jill didn’t see a doctor when she felt bad and her illness turned out to be serious. If only she (to see) the doctor in good time.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets:

1.Jim doesn’t study hard. If he (study) harder, he (get) better marks. 2. The weather isn’t nice today. I (take) a walk if the weather (be) fine. 3. We want to buy a house, but houses are expensive we (buy) a house if we (have) enough money. 4. If money (grow) on trees, all of us (be) rich. 5. If I (be) you, I (tell) Brian the truth. 6. I wish I (have) a digital camera. If I (have) a camera, I (take) pictures of the sunset tonight.
The following stage are exercises imitating the model (action by analogy), that is, the application of knowledge and understanding:

Ex.1 . Complete the sentences in these short conversations. Begin each sentence with “If
only/oh, if…”

A. : Julia likes her new dress, doesn’t she?
B. : Oh, yes she does. (can show it) If only she could show it to someone.
A. : Don’t you think Linda is very talkative?
B. You are right. (not talk so much)
A. : I’ve never imagined the bookstore is so far from my house.
B. : Yes, I know. (be within a walking distance)
A. : You’ve failed your exam, haven’t you?
B. : Such a pity! (not miss classes)

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. It takes me a lot of time to get to the University. I wish …
2. If you had followed your friend’s advice …
3. They would have met us at the airport if …
4. We have been waiting for John to come for half an hour already. It’s high time .
5. She dropped her eyes as if she …
6. He would have never taken that dangerous job if …
7. If you promise not to tell Mother, I …

Stage 3 includes exercises substituting different grammar forms (to increase the ability to produce new phrases on the basis of analogy), that is, exercises to form judgments:

Ex.1. Paraphrase the following statements using the Suppositional Mood. Translate the paraphrased sentences into Russian.

1. She refused to do it. How strange!
It is strange that she should have refused to do it.
2. She’s fond of music. It’s only natural. She has a good ear for music.
It is only natural that she should be fond of music. She has a good ear for music.
1. He has left already. How strange! He is usually here at this time. 2. So this is what she thought. It’s very strange. 3. She strongly objects to your plan. Isn’t it annoying? 4. Nobody saw the child on the beach. It’s rather curious. 5. So they have succeeded at last. It’s highly doubtful. 6. She’s ill in bed. Isn’t it a pity? Just when we want her so badly!

Ex. 2. Change the form of the verb in the following sentences to refer the action to the present or future.
If only he had guessed the truth. — If only he guessed the truth.
1. If only you had liked the child! 2. If only the wind had not been so violent!
3. If only they had not broken their promise! 4. If only we had managed to attract their attention! 5. Oh, if he had not been so delicate! 6. Oh, if she had seen a doctor when it was still time!

Transformation and production, that is, the student’s communication skills:

Ex. 1. Complete these conversations in a logical way by using either “would rather” or “had better”.

1. A.: Shall we walk across the bridge or take a taxi?
A. …………………………………………………………. :
B. ………………………………………………………….
2. A.: We don’t have to use the underpass; let’s cross the street at the zebra.
3. A.: Let’s eat out. Where would you rather go: to the pizza hut or burger king?
В. ………………………………………………………….

Ex. 2. Comment on the following statements expressing astonishment, disbelief, disapproval (give several variants in each case).

1. The tickets are sold out.
a) What a pity the tickets should be sold out!
b) Isn’t it strange that the tickets should be sold out?
c) It was impossible that the tickets should be sold out.
d) Rather odd that the tickets should be sold out.
1. She refused the invitation. 2. She’s very fond of the child. 3. It is very cold for June. 4. It rained heavily throughout the week-end. 5. They did not come to any agreement.
6. She did not ask anyone to help her with the luggage.

The final stage of exercises combines transferring a model to another model in the new conditions of communication, that is, learning skills or ability to learn:

Ex. 1. Make up a story by combining the sentences and making unreal.

Pattern: If David hadn’t got an invitation he wouldn’t have gone to the party. If he… .
I. 1. David got an invitation. 2. He went to the party. 3. David drank too much.
1. He got drunk. 5. David drove dangerously. 6. He had an accident. 7. David was seriously injured. 8. He had to be taken to hospital.
II. 1. Lucy saw the advertisement. 2. She went for an interview. 3. Lucy got the job.
4. She met Alan. 5. He asked her out. 6. They fell in love with each other.
1. Alan proposed to her. 8. They got married.
Ex. 2. Make wishes based on the given situations. Try to think of as many possible wishes as you can for each situation.

E.g.: -You’re hungry. What do you wish?
Response: -1 wish I’d eaten breakfast.
-1 wish I had a candy bar.
-1 wish I could go to (name of a place) and get a hamburger.
-1 wish I weren’t in class right now.
-1 wish I didn’t have to go to another class after this one.
-1 wish the classroom were a restaurant and I had a steak in front of me instead of my grammar book. 1. You’re tired. 2. The weather is… today. 3. You live in (kind of residence).
3. You don’t have many talents. 5. This is a nice classroom but… 6. You’re very busy. You have a lot of things to do today. 7. Things about yourself and your life that you would like to change. 8. There are many problems in today’s world.
Ex. 3. Choose one of these characteristics to make true statements about yourself. Your true characteristics can be negative or affirmative. Then imagine how your life would be different if you didn’t have these characteristics.
E.g.: I am a bit lazy. If I were not lazy I would be the best student in my group.
Hard-working, patient, married, a millionaire, a movie star, know how to cook, have a lot of free time.

The presented system of laboratory exercises can serve as an example of students’ individual activities to develop language communicative skills for home assignments or in off and online classes in distance education.
1. Pedagogy of the school in a nutshell: a Textbook for students of pedagogical universities /
V. V. Voronov.- Moscow: Pedagogical society, 2000.
2. Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions / Pidkasistyj P. I.,
V. V. Krayevsky, A. F. Minaev. — Moscow: Education, 2004.
3. A Grammar of the English Language. Manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V. L. Kaushanskaya, R. L. Kovner, O. N. Kozhevnikova, E. V. Prokofieva. – Moscow: Iris-press, 2008.

Н.Ф. Немченко1, А.А. Каирова2, Д.С. Рыспаева3
Грамматика бойынша лабораториялық жұмыстар тілді жеке меңгеру құралы. 1,2, 3 Ш.Уалиханов атындағы Көкшетау мемлекеттік университеті
Көкшетау қ., Қазақстан

Қазіргі таңда лабороториялық жұмыстар зерттеушілік мінездемеге сай келеді сол себепті дидактикада жоғары бағаланады. Бұл мақалада ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы бойынша лабороториялық жұмыстың маңыздылығы мен актуалдылығы қарастырылады және студенттердің тілді жеке меңгеруі үшін арнайы лабороториялық жұмыстар жүйесі сипатталған. Жүйенің әр кезеңі көрсетілген. Қашықтықта оқыту жүйесінде яғни үй жұмысы, аудиториядан тыс немесе онлайн сабақтарда, лабораториялық жаттығулар студенттердің тілдік коммуникативтік дағдысын жетілдіру бойынша үлгі бола алады. Сонымен қатар бұл мақалада, құрастырылған оқу құралының жүйесі бойынша жаттығулардың мінездемесі берілген. Оқу құралының жаттығулар үлгісі бар.

Н.Ф. Немченко1, А.А. Каирова2, Д.С. Рыспаева3
Лабораторные работы по грамматике как средство индивидуального овладения языком.
1,2,3 Кокшетауский государственный университет имени Ш.Уалиханова
г.Кокшетау, Казахстан

В настоящее время лабораторная работа как метод обучения носит во многом исследовательский характер, и в этом смысле высоко ценится в дидактике. В данной статье рассматривается актуальность и важность лабораторных работ по грамматике английского языка, а также описана система лабораторных работ для индивидуального овладения языком студентами. Показана каждая стадия данной системы. Представленная система лабораторных занятий может служить примером индивидуальной деятельности студентов по развитию языковых коммуникативных навыков для выполнения домашних заданий или на внеаудиторных и онлайн-занятиях в дистанционном образовании. В статье также представлены основные характеристики разработанного учебного пособия, содержащего комплекс упражнений, построенных на основе данной системы. Приведены примеры упражнений учебного пособия.

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