O.A. Radchuk1, V.P. Kasyanova2
1candidate of philological sciences, Head of Foreign Languages Department, Kostanay State
University named after A. Baytursynov, c.Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan
2senior teacher of Foreign Languages Department, Kostanay State University named after A. Baytursynov, c.Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan
This article is devoted to the problems of studying and teaching foreign languages at nonlinguistic specialties. The relevance of the topic under consideration lies in the fact that the discipline «Foreign Language», being one of the main disciplines, plays an important role in the formation of the future specialist’s knowledge. The article analyzes the results obtained on the basis of a questionnaire among students of non-philological profile. The questionnaire contained a number of questions revealing the main objectives of language learning, motivation, and difficulties in studying the language, desires and opportunities to learn languages additionally and independently. The authors identify the problems which the students face in the process of learning a foreign language. Based on the identified problems, the article suggests the ways of solving the difficulties that arise in the process of teaching a foreign language and considers the factors that contribute to the successful mastery of the studied language.
Key words: a foreign language, communication, motivation, methodology, independent study.
According to the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan must be accepted as a highly developed country where the population speaks three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. This means that three languages will be developed hard: Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of interstate communication and English for a successful association with the global education. Further development of business and cultural relations of Kazakhstan with the countries of the world community has shown that there is a need for specialists who speak foreign languages in their professional activities. Today, an important criterion for professionalism in any field of work is readiness for a dialogue in a foreign language, since the successful outcome of contacts with foreign partners depends on the language competence and skills of these specialists. Today, therefore, students’ training in speaking a foreign language is of a particular importance and is an integral part of professional education. Knowledge of a foreign language opens a future specialist access to foreign sources of information, without which nowadays it is impossible to imagine the activity of modern specialists. In this connection, one of the important tasks of universities is expanding multicultural component content of higher education, rising of future specialists to master the world cultural heritage and foreign languages. Foreign language provides direct access to the culture and social experience of other nations, and also calls for the learning process of cultural dialogue, opening more opportunities for cross-cultural interaction.
The relevance of the chosen topic is conditioned by the fact that the disciplines “Foreign Language” and “Professionally Oriented Foreign Language” at non-linguistic specialties become one of the main disciplines. The disciplines “Foreign language” and “Professionally-oriented foreign language” should not be referred to secondary or auxiliary disciplines, the main task of which is to teach students to read and translate texts on their specialties with a dictionary. Nowadays the knowledge of a foreign language by specialists in various spheres of activity gives them an opportunity to succeed in their professional field. In the process of teaching a foreign language intercultural and communicative competences are developed in learners. The task of the disciplines involves the following: 1. effective social interaction of students in a foreign environment; 2. development of logical, critical and creative thinking; 3. the ability to work independently and in a group or a team; 4. application of acquired knowledge, formed skills and experience in practical activities.
In the course of teaching students of non-philological specialties foreign language teachers face a number of problems. In this research an attempt was made to reveal the main problems of studying and teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic specialties. To achieve this purpose a questionnaire was conducted among 200 students to determine their personal attitudes toward learning foreign languages. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of anonymity in order to reveal a more frank version of students’ opinions and assessments. We purposefully didn’t acquaint the respondents with the ultimate goal of the survey, since we took into account the possibility of their expressing generally accepted or standard opinion related to the importance of a foreign language in the modern world.
The content of the questionnaire consisted of 15 items:
1. List the objectives of studying a foreign language.
2. What, in your opinion, has a big impact on increasing motivation in learning a foreign language?
3. In your opinion, is it necessary to study a foreign language at non-philological faculties?
4. Do you think knowledge of a foreign language affects career growth?
5. Do you gain enough knowledge at a foreign language lesson?
6. Assess your level of the English language (low, average, high).
7. Does the level of knowledge of your classmates affect the work of all the students as a whole?
8. Do you have difficulty in learning grammar material?
9. Do you face difficulties in communicating in English with your classmates or a teacher?
10. Do you have a problem of language barrier in the process of communication in English?
11. Would you like to learn a foreign language additionally?
12. Is it possible to learn a foreign language independently?
13. Do you agree with the opinion that a foreign language can be learned only in the country whose language you are studying?
14. Do you think that the study of the language involves a greater degree of the learner’s desire?
15. How do you feel about learning a foreign language under a supervision of a native speaker whose language you are learning? Is the role of a native speaker important in learning foreign languages?
The analysis of the questionnaire among students showed that the main objectives of language learning are as follows: 1. a communicative goal (communication with people) (40%); 2. getting a prestigious profession (30%); 3. the opportunity to travel (25%). To less important goals of mastering the language we can refer the following: 1. moving to another country (2.5%); 2. language learning due to a positive attitude towards it (2.5%).
The second question touches upon an important aspect in the study of the language – motivation. To the question “What do you think makes a great impact on increasing the motivation for learning a foreign language?” the students’ answers came mostly to: being able to get a prestigious job (30%), read books, watch films (25%) , travel (22.5%). Among the answers the attention should be paid to such as: 1. the opportunity to get a high point (7.5%); 2. the fact that your friend knows the language, but you don’t know it (5%); 3. praise of parents (5%) and development of our state (5%). These answers fully express personal interest in studying the language and are based on the age and psychological component of each student.
The third question is aimed at determining the need for students to learn non-native language at non-philological faculties. Most of the students answered this question positively (81%).
The fourth question with a positive response to it makes it possible to see the students’ interest in learning the language for promotion through a professional line (78.5%).
The following questions deal with the discussion of problems arising directly in the learning process itself. The fifth question reveals that the number of students who mastered or did not master the topic or cycle of topics in the classroom is practically reduced to a single percentage (51%: 49%).
This conclusion is determined by the answers to the following question connected with the students’ assessment of their own level of knowledge of the English language. Most students estimate their level as average (44.5%), close to low (55.5%). In addition, most students answered the seventh question that classmates’ knowledge to a large extent affects the process of training in the group as a whole (72.5%). Answering the eighth question students point out that they experience difficulties in mastering grammar rules and performing assignments (56.5%). Thus, students’ answers to the above questions prove that the level of knowledge of a foreign language influences the comprehension of any lexical, grammatical theme and classroom activities.
The next ninth not less important question in the questionnaire is the question of communication in English. According to the students’ answers, they experience difficulties in communicating in English (74%). Such difficulties, first of all, are caused by the so-called a language barrier (77%).
Further questions are given on the principle of revealing the desire and the opportunity to learn languages additionally and independently. So, students’ answers to the eleventh and twelfth questions reveal a positive tendency – additional and independent education (85.5% and 72.5%). At the same time according to the answers to the thirteenth question the stay in the country of the studied language is not at all an obligatory condition (73%). But the role of a native speaker in teaching is very important (89%). The fourteenth question “Do you think that the study of the language involves a greater degree of the learner’s desire?” a large majority with the exception of a few students, answered “yes” (96%).
On the basis of these data, the following problems were identified: 1) students’ level of knowledge of a foreign language; 2) mastering the knowledge gained at the lessons of a foreign language; 3) methods used in teaching a foreign language.
In order to solve problems and avoid their occurrence we should consider the conditions contributing to the successful study of the language. Let’s designate some of them: 1) the motivation of foreign language learners; 2) the effectiveness of the methodology; 3) the age component of the individual; 4) independent study of a foreign language.
One of the main conditions affecting a successful mastery of a foreign language is motivation. The question of motivation is always very widely discussed in pedagogy. Most scientists believe and we fully agree with them that one of the most important factors in studying a foreign language is motivation, which provides students’ activity at the lesson, helps students to develop their attentive attitude to their duties, accurate fulfillment of tasks and manifestation of their diligence. Students’ independent work should be also motivated. It can be successful only in condition of a positive attitude and desire of the students to learning activities. With such attitude to learning, even the students with low abilities to learn a foreign language can achieve a considerable success. There are a lot of definitions of the concept of motivation in the works of various scientists, but they are united in one sense: it is a motive or stimulus that induces an individual to any kind of activity. In the book “The working dictionary of a psychologist-consultant” edited by V. B. Shapar the stimulus is understood as “the motivation, the effect of which is mediated by the individual psyche, his views, feelings, mood, interests, aspirations, etc.” [3, p. 378]. The scientist states that “the stimulus is not identical to the motive, although it can sometimes turn into it.” In regard with this we cannot but mention G.V. Rogova. According to the scientist motivation is the mainspring of the process of mastering a foreign language which ensures its effectiveness. G.V. Rogova specifies that the motivation is the side that is responsible for the subjective world of the learner; it is based on the learner’s own motivations and preferences. Thus all the difficulties in invoking motivation from outside are determined. The teacher, in his turn, is capable to influence the motivation indirectly in case if he succeeds in creating the prerequisites and forming the grounds with the help of which the students will have interest in the work [2, p. 6].
In order to influence the motivation of students positively it is very important to apply methods of teaching and textbooks by which students are trained. The purpose of teaching techniques should be based on the creation of the persistent motivation, the introduction of all possible reserves that contribute to the development of social and personal motivation.
Many teachers do their best to master an effective methodology that can guarantee the fulfillment of program requirements within the training course. During the lessons various versions of the optimized methodology are applied and this activity results in speech, educational and educative effect.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that from the existing variety of methods no methodology, no newest technology can be universal. This is due to the fact that the use of a unique and perfect methodology does not guarantee the absence of difficulties in the course of training. It is logical to assume that an experienced teacher cannot take into account all the subtleties arising in the process of mastering a foreign language in a group.
Successful mastering a foreign language by the learner cannot be done without taking into account the age component of an individual. It is known that such mental functions as thinking, perception, memory change with the approaching of a certain age. In the work “The Problem of Age” L.S. Vygotsky writes: “Ages represent such a holistic dynamic formation, such a structure that determines the role and specific weight of each partial line of the development” [1, p.256-258]. According to L.S. Vygotsky every psychological age is characterized by emerging a social situation of development at the beginning of each age period.
Touching upon this topic it is necessary to emphasize that the existing mental functions reach their peak during a student period. If you recall your student years in the first year of education mnemic functions increase, afterwards a period of recession occurs and at the end of training they again reach the highest level. In this period a logical function is mostly developed. The foregoing confirms that the development of mental functions is uneven. This statement allows us to justify the decline in the progress of students on junior courses and the successful mastery of the material on senior courses. In the methodology of teaching a foreign language in a higher educational institution an important principle of organizing the educational process, as well as, the students’ independent work should be the principle including the mnemonic activity of students.
The next condition to which special attention should be given is self-study since it contributes to the successful mastery of the language proposed at the university. The students’ independent work involves the fulfillment of a certain number of assignments developed on the basis of the material that has been studied with the aim of mastering the acquired knowledge at the classes. The teacher selects a set of exercises that the learner must do. In addition the teacher develops educational and methodological, teaching aids or dictionaries for students studying at the faculty and on the specialty offered at a higher educational institution. Here are some examples: textbooks on the specialty “History”, “Informatics”, educational aids for students of agricultural and engineering specialties, dictionaries for law students, etc. All the efforts of the teacher are aimed at ensuring that students store knowledge, develop skills and habits in learning the language. At the
same time it is impossible to learn a foreign language without students’ independent efforts, it concerns memorizing vocabulary, grammar structures, listening, etc.
At present the system of higher education in our country is aimed at training a competent specialist, professionally qualified, able to organize various activities in his professional field. In connection with it a professional-oriented approach to learning a foreign language at non-language faculties of universities becomes relevant. This approach involves the formation of the students’ ability to foreign language communication in specific professional, business and scientific spheres and situations, and also the formation and development of students’ skills and abilities to participate in different kinds of activities in a foreign language.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that the study of a foreign language by the students of non-linguistic specialties presupposes taking into account their level of knowledge of a foreign language, motivation, age characteristics and the ability to learn independently. As an incentive to learn a foreign language it would be useful for students to hold meetings with specialists who have achieved high results in their specialty. Taking into consideration the age characteristics of students the teacher should show flexibility in the methods of teaching, that is, pay special attention to the offered material and method of its presenting and working through, as well as to the behavior of the teacher himself. To teach students to work independently the teacher should provide them with methodical aids and instructions.
1 Шапарь В.Б. Рабочий словарь психолога-консультанта / В.Б. Шапарь, О.В. Шапарь, В.Е. Россоха; под общ. ред. В.Б. Шапаря. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2005. – 496 с.
2 Рогова Г.В., Рабинович Ф.М., Сахарова Т.Е. Методика обучения иностранным языкам / Г.В. Рогова, Ф.М. Рабинович, Т.Е. Сахарова. — М.: Просвещение, 1991. – 287 с.
3 Выготский Л.С. Проблема возраста // Выготский Л.С. Собрание сочинений: В 6-ти т.; Т.4. — М.: Педагогика, 1984. – 432 с.
О.А.Радчук1, В.П.Касьянова2
Тілдік емес мамандықтар бойынша шет тілдерін үйрену және оқытудың мәселелері.
Ахмет Байтұрсынов атындағы Қостанай мемлекттік университетінің,
Қостанай, Қазақстан
Бұл мақала лингвистикалық емес мамандықтар бойынша шет тілдерін үйрену мен оқыту мәселелеріне арналған. Қарастырылып отырған тақырыптың өзектілігі болашақ маманның білімін қалыптастыруда негізгі пәндердің бірі болып табылатын «Шет тілі» пәнінің маңызды рөл атқаратындығында. Мақалада филолог емес студенттер арасында сауалнама нәтижелері бойынша алынған нәтижелер талданады. Сауалнама тіл үйренудің негізгі мақсаттары, мотивациясы, тіл үйренудегі қиындықтар, ниет пен тілдерді өз бетінше және қосымша меңгеру мүмкіндіктері туралы сұрақтарды қамтиды. Өңделген мәліметке сәйкес, оқушылардың шет тілін меңгеру барысында кездесетін проблемалары анықталды. Анықталған мәселелерге сүйене отырып, мақалада шет тілін оқыту барысында туындайтын қиындықтарды шешу жолдары ұсынылады, оқылатын тілдің табысты меңгерілуіне ықпал ететін факторлар қарастырылады.
О.А.Радчук1, В.П.Касьянова2
Проблемы изучения и преподавания иностранных языков на неязыковых специальностях
Костанайский государственный университет имени А.Байтурсынова,
г. Костанай, Казахстан
Данная статья посвящена вопросам изучения и преподавания иностранных языков на неязыковых специальностях. Актуальность исследуемой темы заключается в том, что дисциплина «Иностранный язык», являясь одной из основных дисциплин, играет важную роль в формировании знаний будущего специалиста. В статье анализируются результаты, полученные по итогам анкетирования среди студентов нефилологического профиля. Анкета содержала ряд вопросов, выявляющих основные цели изучения языка, мотивацию, трудности в усвоении языка, желания и возможности обучаться языкам дополнительно и самостоятельно. Согласно обработанным данным были выявлены проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются студенты в процессе изучения иностранного языка. На основе выявленных проблем в статье предлагаются пути решения трудностей, возникающих в процессе обучения иностранному языку, рассматриваются факторы, способствующие успешному овладению изучаемого языка.