А.А. Bajakhmetova1, V.P. Kasyanova2
1candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Practical
Linguistics, Kostanay State University named after A. Baytursynov, c.Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan
2senior teacher of Foreign Languages Department, Kostanay State University named after A.
Baytursynov, c.Kostanay, the Republic of Kazakhstan


Derivatives in the modern Russian language perform a certain functionally stylistic role and, as a rule, express an emotionally expressive and appraisal meaning. The semantics of the word is regarded as an organized system of interrelated macro components and micro components. The word meaning is regarded as an organized system of interconnected macro and micro components in the modern scientific linguistics. Linguistic researchers define semantic indicators transferring expressivity, emotionality, estimation, imagery as micro components. Diminutive is characterized by a certain stylistic coloring; its features are determined by a communicative purpose of an utterance. This article analyses the role of diminutive formants in the certain categories of emotiveness and emotionality.
Key words: diminutives, emotiveness, emotionality, derivatives, appellatives, word-formation variants, appraisal.

In the modern Russian language special place is given to diminutive formants in the formation of derivatives. Reduction (diminutivity) is a special linguistic meaning which is associated with an indication of a reduction in the size of the object. The diminution can be transferred by adding a certain affix to the nominal stem. As a morphological tool, we can use special diminutive suffixes:
:–ок, -ец, -чик, -ик, -еньк, -оньк и др.: хомут – хомуток,дуб-дубочек,карман – карманчик, билет — билетик, букет – букетик, сладкий – сладенький, маленький- махонький. A diminutive suffix can be attached to a verb stem. In such cases, it indicates a change in the action: пойдем спатеньки. This phenomenon is typical for artistic and colloquial styles.
The main function of the language is a communicative function or a communication function. As we know, the suffix method which is one of the productive ways of forming words in the Russian language shows a high degree of productivity in creating words of different stylistic affiliation, the broadest use of analyzed diminutives is observed in artistic and colloquial speech, more often in emotionally colored speech. So, words with diminutive suffixes convey different shades of feeling. For example, positive emotions are in — сыночек, братец, бабуля, аккуратненъко, близехонько and negative – мерзавец, подлец.
Art work is an emotional comprehension of the surrounding world and a figurative representation with the purpose of influencing our feelings. Affixed morphemes, including diminutive ones, allow the formation of word-formation variants that receive a certain functionalstyle anchorage. O.N. Ippolitova rightly notes: «Stylistically colored (emotionally expressive and functional) means are the main fund of stylistic means of the language. The stylistic colorings of the language unit are those functional and expressive properties that complementary to the expression of the basic lexical and grammatical meaning carry stylistic information about the possibility of using this unit in a certain sphere and the situation of communication «[1, 87]. Russian word formation differs by flexibility, richness in word-building resources, which have a bright stylistic coloring.
Many words not only define the concepts, but also express the attitude of the speaker towards them, i.e. have a special kind of evaluation. Emotionality is traditionally considered in science taking into account such categories as appraisal, expressiveness, imagery, intensity. The formation of a theoretical base in the category of appraisal, expressiveness and emotionally-valued vocabulary served the researches of contemporary Russian scholars, among whom we single out the works of Yu.D. Apresyan [2, 366], B. I. Dodanova [3, 272], M. N. Kozhina [4, 223], E.M. Wolf [5, 227], N. A. Lukyanova [6, 227] etc. In their writings they explore the characteristics of emotional states. According to N.A. Lukyanova: «The appraisal presented as a correlation of the word with the evaluation and the emotionality associated with the emotions, feelings of the person do not constitute two different components of meaning, they are as inseparable as the evaluation and emotion on the extra linguistic level «[6, 45]. «A positive assessment,» she writes, «can only be transmitted through a positive emotion-approval, affection, ecstasy, praise, etc., the evaluation as if «absorbs the corresponding emotion «[6, 27]. The concepts of emotionality and appraisal are not identical, although closely related. The problem of emotion in the language is first of all considered in lexicology: : L. G. Babenko, V. N. Gridin, I. N. Khudyakov, M. K. Shakova, Z. E. Fomina, O. F. Shmatina, etc., and related to the problem of reflection in the language of national consciousness, culture and traditions of the people: A. Vezhbitskaya, Yu. S. Stepanov, Yu. D. Apresyan and others. Not all emotional words (e.g. interjections) contain an assessment. There are words in which evaluation is the essence of their semantic structure, but they do not refer to emotional vocabulary, for example: «замечательный», «отвратительный», «счастье», «гнев», «обожать», «страдать». Such words can only contain one side of the evaluation, only semantics. The peculiarity of emotionally-assessed vocabulary is that emotional coloring is «superimposed» on the lexical meaning of the word, but it is not reducible to it. Many scientists believe, and we fully agree with this, that emotions are expressed primarily in the sphere of lexical semantics and it is necessary to investigate emotiveness in the language as a lexical-semantic phenomenon.
Following the scientists, we distinguish three groups in the emotional vocabulary. They are:
1. Words with bright connotative meanings that include assessment of the facts, events, features, giving an unambiguous characterization of the people: воодушевить, восхитительный, непревзойденный, первопроходец, предначертать, самопожертвование, безответственный, двурушник, допотопный, нагадить, опорочить, очковтирательство, подхалим, пустозвон, разгильдяй. Such words have one meaning and, as a rule, expressive emotionality hinders the development of their figurative meanings.
2. Polysemantic words. Such words are neutral in the main sense, which receive a qualitative and emotional connotation for figurative use. About a person of a certain character, we can say:
тряпка, тюфяк, дуб, ворона, кобра, попугай, обезьяна, свинья, баран; in the figurative meaning, such verbs can be used: пилить, шипеть, петь, грызть, копать, зевать, моргать and others.
3. Words with suffixes of subjective evaluation. In our opinion, we can refer to this group of appellatives with diminutive formants. These words convey different shades of feelings, carry in themselves positive emotions: «сыночек»sonny, «дочурка» daughter, «бабуля» granny,
«солнышко» sun, «быстренько» quickly, «детина» a big fellow. Estimated meanings of such words are not due to nominative properties, but to word formation, since affix morphemes, in particular diminutives give emotional coloring to the forms.
Man is characterized by socially significant and natural qualities in terms of his attitude to himself, to others, to work, to property, etc. In our opinion, the lexical meanings of derivatives as units of linguistic consciousness reflect the social experience of people, their ideas about the world around them. Emotion is traditionally considered in science with the regard of such categories as appraisal, expressiveness, imagery, intensity, the semantic structure of the word and, as a rule, is complicated by connotation. In linguistics there are different definitions of connotation. Sh. Bally considers it as «stylistic value», L. A. Novikov – as «emotive meaning», A. A. Kiselev, V. N. Commissarov as «pragmatic value», V. G. Gak – as «lexical background», etc., E. Yu., Myagkova defines the connotation «as a combination of emotional, evaluative, expressive and stylistic components» [7, 15]. Y. D. Apresyan said that semantic associations are connotations i.e. «those elements of pragmatists connected with the word reflect cultural beliefs and traditions that prevail in a given society, the practice of using the relevant things and many other extra linguistic factors» [8, 67].
In the modern scientific linguistics the meaning of a word is viewed as an organized system of interconnected macro-and micro-components. Linguistic researchers define semantic indicators transferring expressivity, emotionality, estimation, imagery as micro components. Let’s compare the following examples: «поганец»rascal «disgusting and despicable small-minded man»; «старец» an old man «the old man with a touch of reverence, respect». Virtually any word is estimated. «All evaluative vocabulary in the most general form is divided into emotional-evaluation, in which the evaluation component reflects the emotional and related characteristics inherent in a person as an individual biological and social, and fixed in his mind on the basis of activity experience and ideologically evaluative vocabulary, an evaluation component which reflects the ideological, philosophical, moral, moral, social, cultural, etc. relations between people (individuals, group collectives and ichestvenno significant communities «, — says A.L. Golovanevskiy [9, 79-80].
The use of evaluation words is associated with certain types of contexts, the expressiveness of the derivatives appears in a communicative act. Different types of evaluation are transmitted by different tonal colors of the intonation or context.
V.N. Zoller writes: «… expressiveness, being a combination of specific semantic-stylistic attributes of a lexical unit, in a complex interaction with categories of evaluation and emotionality as components of connotation, ensures the ability of a word to act in a communicative act by means of a subjective expression of the speaker’s relationship to the content or addressee of speech …» [10, 70].
To express emotions, the language has a variety of lexical, morphological, syntactic means, emotiveness is transmitted through interjections, particles, words with emotionally expressive suffixes. Diminutive suffixes inform that derivatives have emotional coloring (disapproval, scorn, irony, caress, etc.). Expressive emotion language has various lexical, morphological, syntactic means of emotiveness transmitted via interjections, particles of words with emotional and expressive suffixes. Diminutive suffixes inform that derivatives have emotional coloring (disapproval, scorn, irony). Expressive vocabulary expresses not only the emotions of a person, but his assessment of the phenomena of reality. Appraising, represented as the correlation of a word with an evaluation, and emotionality, associated with emotions, feelings of a person, do not constitute different components of the meaning, they are one, as inseparable evaluations and emotions at extra linguistic level. A positive evaluation can be betrayed through a positive emotion — approval, praise, caress, delight, admiration, etc., negative — through a negative emotion — disapproval, rejection, condemnation, annoyance, irritation, disdain, contempt, etc. I.B. Golub believes that: «Expressive coloring in the word is layered on its emotionally-appraisal value, and some words are dominated by expression, while others have an emotional coloring. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary.» [11, 25]. We agree with this opinion but, however, it cannot be considered that emotionality and expressiveness are one and the same. Expressivity can be expressed in both linguistic and non-linguistic means: gestures, facial expressions, intonation.
The individual emotionally colored perception of the word is due, in our opinion, to the context. The same word may have an uneven degree of emotional coloring in different contexts. Here are some of the possible examples:
Пантелей Прокофьевич, времени не теряя, бутылку самогонки – на стол, тряпочку – затычку из горлышка долой, понюхал сладко – горький дымок, похвалил.( М. Шолохов.Тихий
Дон) [12, 63];
Выстрел сорвал с крыши белый дымок инея. (М. Шолохов.Тихий Дон) [12, 139]; Над папахами их слоился и таял табачный дымок. (М. Шолохов.Тихий Дон) [12, 127].
The word дымок is not equally able to be filled with the emotional content. So, in the sentence (Выстрел сорвал с крыши белый дымок инея), the derivative дымок brings an emotional sensation of lightness and even sadness, thanks to a combination of the derivative дымок with the words белый, инея. In the first and third sentences, the emotionality of the word дымок is expressed in combination with the adjectives сладко – горький, табачный, which indicate the sign of the object. Functioning in emotionally colored text, the derivatives with diminutive diminutiveness compare: дымочек, сыночек, братик) get the ability to convey expressively the information about the state of the hero at the moment of emotional stress:
— Ну, здорово, Мирон! Вот как пришлось, сынок, свидеться. (М. Шолохов.Тихий Дон) [12, 265];
— Дойдём до яров, сынок, ты беги, а я для видимости вслед тебе стрельну раза два…(М. Шолохов.Донские рассказы) [13, 169];
— Да будь, братец, хоть ты умён! Ну что вам далось это потомство.
(Н. Гоголь.Мёртвые души) [14, 325].

Thus, the emotional meaning completely coincides with the lexical meaning and serves, as V.I. Shakhovsky, considers «for expressing the emotional state, attitude (without its naming in the word) to the world» [15, 26].
The pragmatic and emotional function of the language is in dialectical unity. The realization of the expressive function of the language is connected with the act of producing speech. The realization of the same pragmatic function is inseparable from the perception of speech by the reader or listener.
In the stylistics of fiction, the colorful structure of the expressive colors of everyday speech is used to solve problems of literary and artistic works.
Diminutives are characterized by a certain stylistic coloring, the features of its manifestation, in our opinion, are determined by the communicative goal of the utterance. Diminutives acting as an expressive means of the language form words that evoke feelings or emotions. Diminutiveness, in our opinion, is productive in the formation of derivatives with an emotionally expressive tone.

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А.А. Баяхметова , В.П. Касьянова2
Эмотивтілік, эмоционалдық категорияларды анықтаудағы диминутивтік жұрнақты туындылар
эмоционалды, бағалық, бейнелікті көрсететін семантикалық көрсеткіштерде айқындайды. Диминутивтік сипаттылық белгілі стилистикалық бояуда, әсіресе қатынастық мақсатта айтылғанда анықталады. Мақалада эмоционалдық және эмотивтік категорияларды анықтауда диминутивтік форманттардың рөлі қарастырылады.

А.А. Баяхметова, В.П. Касьянова
Производные с диминутивными суффиксами в определении категории
эмотивности, эмоциональности
Костанайский государственный университет имени А.Байтурсынова,
г. Костанай, Казахстан
Производные в современном русском языке выполняют определённую функциональностилистическую роль и, как правило, выражают эмоционально-экспрессивное и оценочное значение. Семантика слова рассматривается как организованная система взаимосвязанных макрокомпонентов и микрокомпонентов. В качестве микрокомпонентов исследователи выделяют семантические показатели, выражающие экспрессивность, эмоциональность, оценочность, образность. Диминутивность характеризуется определённой стилистической окраской, особенности её определяются коммуникативной целью высказывания. В настоящей статье рассматривается роль диминутивных формантов в определении категории эмотивности и эмоциональности.

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