А.И. Рустемова, Б.И. Тастемирова
Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль-Фараби
Алматы, Казахстан
rusalis70@mail.ru, tas_balkiya@mail.ru


В статье приведены образцы заданий, направленных на расширение и закрепление профессиональной лексики, которые можно использовать на уроках английского языка для студентов физико-технического факультета. В процессе изучения дисциплины «Английский язык» студенты знакомятся с необходимой профессиональной лексикой, развивают диалогическую и монологическую речь. Подобные занятия позволяют студентам стать высококвалифицированными, востребованными специалистами своего дела. Методика обучения английскому языку студентов физико-технических специальностей разрабатывается именно в этом направлении, интеграции языковой и профессиональной сферы.

Ключевые слова: повышение квалификации, профессиональная лексика, физикотехнический факультет, коммуникативная компетенция, подготовка специалистов, решение задач по физике, обсуждение законов по физике.

В данный момент, в условиях расширяющегося международного сотрудничества, увеличивается спрос на специалистов-физиков в совершенстве владеющих английским языком. Это обуславливает необходимость качественной подготовки студентов физических специальностей, профессионально владеющих несколькими языками и тем самым получающих реальные шансы занять в обществе более престижное положение, как в социальном, так и в профессиональном отношении. Знание английского языка дает неоспоримое преимущество, не говоря уже о том, что существенно повышает квалификацию специалиста и делает его более ценным сотрудником. Более половины содержания Интернет доступно на английском языке. Он так же доминирует по степени использования в науке и литературе. На национальном уровне английский язык играет ведущую роль в научной и технической сфере. В странах с более высоким уровнем владения английским языком работает больше научных сотрудников, а так же выделяется больше средств на научные исследования и развитие [1].
Специалисты, которые хотят быть конкурентоспособными на рынке труда, должны быть в курсе актуальных новостей отрасли, это необходимо для эффективной работы в этой сфере. При этом новая актуальная специализированная литература далеко не всегда оперативно переводится на русский язык. Поэтому, чтобы поддерживать свою профессиональную компетентность, специалистам необходимы знания английского языка.
В ходе обучения, для повышения качества подготовки специалистов используются разные формы ведения занятий: конкурсы, ролевые игры, тематические вечера, олимпиады, конференции на междисциплинарной основе. Такие занятия вызывают профессиональный интерес у студентов, расширяют их кругозор, развивают познавательную самостоятельность обучающегося, превращая его в активного участника учебного процесса. Подобные занятия позволяют студентам стать высококвалифицированными, востребованными специалистами своего дела!
Приведем образцы заданий, направленных на расширение и закрепление профессиональной лексики, которые можно использовать на уроках английского языка для студентов физико-технического факультета.
Task 1: Students try to find answers to different questions on physics and try to give explanation to different physics phenomena.
Question 1: We сannot make water hotter when it is boiling. Why?
Answer: When water is boiling, you can make it hotter, but not` as a liquid. We cannot make water hotter than a hundred degrees, because it will turn into water-vapour. But it is quite possible to make water-vapour hotter than the temperature of boiling water.
If we go on boiling water, we are putting heat into it. We must not think that if the water cannot become hotter, the heat is lost. No. The heat goes into water, and the water takes the form of a gas, and the heat still remains. Though the heat is not making water hotter, it makes the water-vapour hotter.
One the other hand, we must always remember that the boiling point of water depends on air pressure.
On the top of a high mountain, where the air pressure is less, the water boil at a lower temperature. At the Dead Sea, which is more than two thousand feet below sea-level, and where the air pressure is greater, the boiling point of the water is higher
Question 2: A full bottle keeps heat longer than a bottle which is half full. Why?
Answer: A bottle full of hot water contains more heat than a bottle which is only half full. Different things take different amounts of heat to be raised to the same temperature.
Let us take some water and the same amount of anything else in the world, and make them five degrees hotter than they were before. We find that we have to put more heat into the water than into the other things.
Question 3: What makes a soap bubble rise and fall? If a soap bubble does not burst too soon, it will begin to fall. Why?
Answer: If we want to explain this, we must remember a balloon which is filled with hot air. It rises for some time and then it falls again. A balloon rises because the hot air inside it is lighter than the air round it; and as it is lighter, it must rise. When the air inside a balloon cools, the weight of the balloon itself makes it fall.
A soap bubble is really a little balloon filled with hot air. The air which fills a soap bubble is warm air from our lungs. This air is much lighter than the air outside. It goes out of our lungs with such force that it can carry the weight of the water which makes the skin of the soap bubble.
But this cannot last for a long time, because the skin of a soap bubble is very thin. So the heat inside a soap bubble soon escapes, and the bubble becomes as cool as the air around it, and it begins to fall.
Question 4: A man taps the wheels of a train at the station. Why?
Answer: The men who tap the wheels of trains at the station must see that none of the wheels are defective before the train goes on.
If the wheel is good, it gives out a clear, ringing sound. But if the wheel is broken, it gives out a cracked sound when a man taps it.
So the men who tap the wheels are able to discover very quickly which wheel is good, and which is bad, and we may say that their work is very important Question 5: Iron seems colder than wood. Why?
Answer: When we touch a cold or a hot thing, our feeling does not always depend on how cold or hot the thing really is. The pen and the pencil on your table are both of the same temperature, but the pen seems to you much colder than the pencil. All the parts of a hammer are of the same temperature, but the iron part of it seems much colder than the wooden part.
In all these cases the thing which we touch is colder than our skin. So the heat goes from our skin into that thing. Our feeling depends on the fact how quickly the thing takes heat from our fingers. Iron takes heat quickly from our fingers; it makes our fingers cold, and so we say that it is cold.
But wood does not take heat away so quickly from our fingers, and we say it is not so cold.
So we must say that iron is a good conductor of heat, and wood is a bad conductor.
Question 6: Your face turns pale when you are frightened. Why?
Answer: The skin of our faces has a certain colour. But the main part of the colour of the face is the colour of the blood shining through the skin.
When a person is frightened, the brain sends impulses to the blood-vessels of the face which become constricted and allow very little blood to pass through the skin of the face. So we see that the face is almost white.
But your face may turn pale not only when you are frightened. Bad air, for example, can make your face turn white, too.
When a person`s face becomes very pale, we must understand that he may faint. If not enough blood is passing through his face, not enough blood may pass through his brain, because the bloodvessels of the brain may be constricted too.
Question 7: Why do we put a spoon in a glass before we pour hot water into it?
Answer: When we pour hot water into a glass, the heat may sometimes expand inside of the glass too quickly and break the glass.
A spoon is a good conductor, and if we put it in the glass, it takes some of the heat from the water.
The best spoon for this is silver or copper. But any spoon will be good, because all metals are good conductors of heat.
Question 8: What makes the wind whistle?
Answer: We not so easily notice the whistling and all other sounds which the wind makes when we are out of doors. But we easily notice all these sounds when we are in a house.
Why? Because when the wind blows through chinks of doors and windows, it meets all kinds of things. The wind makes these things tremble and vibrate and so produces all kind of sounds.
Sometimes people are frightened by these noises. But if they go out of door into the wind, they will not hear the whistle so well, because what our ears can hear is not the wind, but the sounds which are made by trembling and vibrating [2].
Task 2: Students prepare interesting information, relating to the Earth, the Moon, planets, stars and gravitation. They try to master the subject astronomy and find answers to interesting facts that happen day by day.
For example: 1. Why doesn’t the Moon fall onto the Sun?
2. Why is there no air on the Moon?
3. Why do astronomers observe eclipse?
4. Why do stars look like stars?
5 What constellations can we see in the sky?
6. .What is inside the Earth? [3].
Task 3: Students try to solve problems in physics and give the detailed analysis of the results.
For example:
1. Determine the ratio of the mass of the Sun to the mass of the Earth if the period of revolution of the Moon round the Earth is 27.2 days and the mean distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384000km.
2. A ratio signal sent to the Moon will be reflected by its surface and return to the Earth. Determine the mean orbital velocity of the Moon around the Earth.
3. Calculate the approximate size of a water molecule assuming that molecules are spherical and touch each other [4].
Task 4: Students prepare presentations to topics, related to elementary physics: Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics, Work, Power, Energy, Mechanical oscillation, Mechanical waves, Mechanics of liquids, Molecular physics, Mutual conversion of liquids and gases, Properties of liquids, Static electricity, Electric current in various media, Magnetism, Mirrors and lenses [5].
Task 5: Find out the best student who knows physics laws. Students give explanation to different physics laws.
1. What is the first law of motion? —Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion, in a straight line unless compelled to change that state by some external force.
2. What is the third law of motion? —Action and reaction are equal and opposite in direction. 3. What is kinetic energy? —Energy of motion; i, e. the power of doing work that a body has by virtue of its motion. For example: the energy of running water.
4. What is potential energy? —Energy of position; i. e. the power of doing work that a body has by virtue of its position. For example: the energy of a head of water.
5. How are these varieties of energy related? —They are mutually convertible. Either may be converted into an equivalent amount of the other.
6. What is a pendulum? —A weight suspended so as to be able to swing to and fro.
7. What is an oscillation? -The motion from one end of the arc to the other.
8. What is Archimede’s principle? —A body’s loss of weight when immersed in a fluid equals the weight of the fluid which it displaces, i. e., it equals the weight of a like volume of the fluid.
9. What are the laws of boiling?
Under a constant pressure, every liquid begins to boil at a certain temperature which is invariable for the given substance.
10. How is light propagated? —In straight lines, as long as it travels in a homogeneous medium.
11. What is a transparent body? —One that transmits light so freely that objects may be distinctly seen through it.
12. What is an opaque body? —One that does not transmit light.
13. What is the cause of a rainbow? —The refraction, reflection and dispersion of sunlight by rain- drops.
14. What is the first law of magnetic poles? —Unlike poles attract each other ; like poles repel each other.
Task 6: Students search the web and find answer to questions:
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power?
b) Applications of nuclear energy.
c) Describe the advantages of using new types of reactors.
3) What new conducting, semiconducting, magnetic and other types of materials do you know?
4) Describe the advantages of using new types of materials.
4) Using Internet resources find legends about constellations and retell them.
Task 7: Students show some experiments and answer the question:
What do the experiments show?
1. Light and colour — Spinning disk — When you spin the disc, these colours will mix together to produce white.
Spin the disc as quickly as possible. The colours merge together and the disc looks almost white.
2. Gases and Heat — Gases expand a lot when they are heated, and contract a lot when cooled.
Place the balloon in a large vessel of hot water. The balloon starts inflating and eventually stands up right as the air inside the bottle expands.
3. Centripetal force – Can you turn a bucket of water upside-down without the water falling out? You can with the help of centripetal force.
4. How can you take the coin from the bowl with water without getting your fingers wet? — Put the coin into the bowl. Pour water into the bowl so it covers the coin. Carefully place the warm jar upside-down near the coin.
5. How can you lift the small pieces of paper with the help of a balloon? — The balloon sticks the small pieces of paper if you rub it against your sleeve, because it becomes charged.
Task 8: Students act out the roles based on the given conversation and use new vocabulary of the lesson.
B: Excuse me, I brought my television here to be fixed, is it ready yet?
A: Well, I’m afraid I have some bad news. Your TV has heat stress damage B: What’s that?
A: It’s caused by heat from the power supply B: What could have caused it?
A: Have you left your TV on for any long periods of time?
B: Well, yes I went away for a long weekend and forgot to turn it off, it was on for four days.
A: That’ll be what caused the damage. B: Really?
A: Yes. You shouldn’t put that much heat stress on your electrical equipment.
B: So, can you repair it?
A: I can repair it. It just needs some new components [6].
Task 9: Read and translate the Russian sentences into English and then give their Russian version again.

Russian version Russian version
Каково время жизни данного состояния? What is the lifetime of this state
Реакция срыва. Stripping reaction.
Реакции передачи нуклонов имеют место во внешних слоях ядра. Nucleon transfer reactions occur in the outer layers of the nucleus.
Эти реакции разрешены.
Эти реакции (строго) запрещены. These reactions are allowed.
These reactions are strictly [highly, strongly] forbidden
В тяжёлых ядрах энергетические уровни расположены ближе. In heavy nuclei the spacing is smaller.

Удельная активность препарата Specific activity of the source.
Измерение периода полураспада изотопа. Measurement of the half-life of an isotope.

Сферы профессиональной деятельности все более настоятельно требуют решения задачи формирования у студентов таких компонентов коммуникативной компетенции, которые будут востребованы при работе по специальности. Методика обучения английскому языку студентов физико-технических специальностей разрабатывается именно в этом направлении, интеграции языковой и профессиональной сферы. В связи с этим возникает задача отбора соответствующей терминологии, характерной для узких специальных областей, выявления типичной для профессиональных сфер лексических оборотов и т.д., и связанных с ними разделов грамматики.
В зависимости от содержания профессиональной деятельности начинают доминировать такие формы учебной деятельности, как перевод текстов по специальности или подготовка презентаций на профессионально важные темы, или обобщение результатов исследований в статьях или докладах на иностранном языке и т.д. Использование таких разнообразных заданий позволяет эффективно формировать языковую и речевую компетенцию, необходимые для использования в последующем английского языка в профессиональной среде.
Таким образом, через развитие необходимых профессиональных компетенций студентов решается одна из важнейших проблем современного высшего образования в эпоху глобализации – подготовка специалистов, готовых к социальной и академической мобильности и компетентных в профессиональном отношении.

Список литературы:
1 Образованная страна.– №24 (61) . – 27 декабря, 2016.
2 Y. Perelman “Physics for entertainment”. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980, p. 221. (in English) 3 Y. Perelman “Astronomy for entertainment”. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1980, p. 194. (in English) 4 R. Gladkova and N. Kutylovskaya “Selected questions and problems in physics”. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1989, p. 368. (in English)
5 Sh. Amirov “Elementary physics”, Baku — 2012, p.292. (in English)
6 Evans V. Electronics [Student’s Book]: English for specific purposes -Newbury: Express Publishing, 2015.

A.I. Rustemova, B.I. Tastemirova
This article gives examples of tasks aimed at expanding and consolidating the professional vocabulary, which can be used at English language lessons for students of the physics and technical departments. During the process of learning English language students get acquainted with the necessary professional vocabulary, develop dialogical and monolog speech. These types of activities help students to become highly qualified specialists in their field. The methodology of teaching English to students of physics and technical specialties is being developed precisely in this direction, the integration of the linguistic and professional spheres.

А.И. Рустемова, Б.И. Тастемирова
Мақалада кәсіби лексиканы кеңейтуге және нығайтуға бағытталған үлгілері берілген, физика техникалық факультетінің студенттері үшін ағылшын тілі сабағында қолдануға болады. Ағылшын тілін үйрену барысында студенттер қажетті кәсіби сөздікпен танысады,диалогтық және монологтық сөйлеуді дамытады. Мүндай сабақтар студенттерге өз саласында жоғары білікті мамандарға айналуға мүмкіндік береді. Ағылшын тілінің әдістемесі физика-техникалық мамандарын оқыту бойынша тілдік интеграция және кәсіби саласында әзірленеді.

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