M.S. Ongarbayeva1, R.M. Tayeva2, T.P. Kolesnikova3, A.T. Alimbayeva4
1Doctoral student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: trmeru16@mail.ru
2Candidate of Science, A/Professor, Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: rozt@mail.ru
3Senior Lecturer, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: kolesya2005@mail.ru
4Doctoral student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: alimbayeva.adil@gmail.com
This article is devoted to the current issue of the cross-linguistic study of Kazakh and English languages. The authors of the scientific work tried to identify similarities and differences in the semantic structure of words with cold and суық metaphorical meaning.
In this article the authors have made an attempt to select and systematize lexical units that have received metaphorical meanings related to the lexical group “coldness” and determine their quantitative composition in English and Kazakh. Practical materials of the study were lexical units extracted by continuous sampling from the BNC (British National Corpus) and NCKL (National Corpus of Kazakh language).
As the comparison of semantic structures shows, words, having a complex semantic structure, do not fully coincide in their semantic scope with words of similar meaning in one language and with their correspondences in another language.
Key words: meteorological metaphor, cold/суық, metaphorization, corpus linguistics, British national corpus, Kazakh national corpus
The article is devoted to one of the particular issues of comparative study of languages – the identification of similarities and differences in the semantic structure of English words with “cold” meanings and Kazakh “суық” in their metaphorical conceptualizations. The authors of the article rely on the main thesis of the cognitive theory of metaphor, developed by J. Lakoff, his idea boils down to the following: metaphorization processes are based on the processing of knowledge structures — frames and scripts. The knowledge realized in frames and scenarios is a generalized experience of human interaction with the outside world — both with the world of objects and with society.
To describe the metaphorization processes of meteorological vocabulary, it is necessary to identify the initial semantic meaning of lexical units belonging to the thematic group of coolness, coldness such as ice, frigidity, chill, frost as well as in Kazakh language.
The present research work follows the basic fundamentals of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) [1]. Over the last thirty years, studies on metaphor have been playing a crucial role in cognitive linguistics, a development of which began with the proposed theory of Lakoff and Johnson’s in their monography “Metaphors We Live By”. Goatly A., the linguist who made a valuable contribution to the description of metaphors, in his book The Language of Metaphors [2, 15-16], he defines the metaphor as follows: A metaphor arises when a discourse unit is used as an unconventional reference to an object, process or concept, or is encountered in an unconventional way and also when this unconventional act of exile or collision is interpreted according to the main similarities, correspondences or analogies with the participation of the ordinary referent or the colligate of the unit and the actual non-traditional referent or the colligate [2].
Modern cognitive linguistics considers a metaphor not a figure of speech designed to decorate speech and make an image more understandable, but a form of thinking.
Accordingly, the cognitive function of metaphor stands out as the main one, that is, the function of processing information. It should be clarified that the cognitive function is the main, but not the only function of the metaphorical model [3, 21].
A language metaphor is easily replaced by literal equivalents, which is not possible with respect to metaphor in prose which violates the usual taxonomy of objects, while a linguistic metaphor verbalizes the logical-conceptual system in a language, i.e. a metaphor in prose reflects the individual picture of the world of its creator or author, and the linguistic metaphor reflects the general linguistic [4, 43].
The main thesis of the cognitive theory of metaphor comes down to the following idea: metaphorization processes are based on the processing of knowledge structures, which are described in categories of frames and scenarios in one of the meta-languages of cognitive science. The knowledge recorded in the human cognitive system in the form of frames and scenarios is a generalized experience of human interaction with the outside world — both with the world of objects and with society [5, 16].
So, at present, the problem of metaphor has gone out of the rhetoric, where it originally existed as one of the tropes, stepped over the boundaries of linguistic stylistics (where it was studied as a means of creating expressive coloring of the text) and moved to a fairly comprehensive laboratory, becoming the subject of research of the above related to linguistics disciplines [6, 63].
In domestic linguistics, a model of the semantic (seminal) structure of nuclear materials developed by V.G. Gak on the example of a metaphor, a fox is a cunning person. The nominative (initial) LZ of the word fox has a certain set of sem categorical archisem A (animated creature) + clan seme B (animal) + species differentiating seme C (quality assigned to the fox is a tricky). The following semantic transformations lead to metaphorization: the elimination of the family and species sem and the actualization of potential seme [7].
Metaphorical models are models of the transition from propositional or figurative-schematic models of one area to the corresponding structure of another area. Metaphorical transfer assumes the presence of a source region and a target region. In the transfer process, the structure of the source region model is transferred to the corresponding structure of the target region. For example, the “channel” metaphor allows you to move from knowledge about moving objects in containers to understanding communication as moving ideas in words [8].
Сorpus analysis revealed interlanguage matches/correspondences or so called equivalent and non-equivalent metaphorical conceptualizations of cold in English and Kazakh Languages.
To investigate non-literal meaning of coldness in Kazakh language we applied to Kazakh
Corpus where for the entry суық /cold we found 365 entries, 38 documents
[Қияқ шабарман суық хабар әкелген…] trans. they brought cold news, суық хабар (cold) = bad news (unpleasant);
[…сұлу мұртты Жәнібек пен жалаңаш қанжардай түсі суық Керейге көз қиығын аудард ы]. Zhanibek got a glimpse at severe, stern Kereу…. түсі суық = stern (tough) appearance;
[…кірпік астынан қадалған суық жанарға мысқыл шапты] суық жанар = cold eyes/look;
[Ал тілеулес ағайынның әзір суық сөзі естілмейді…] суық сөзі = cold (unpleasant,
offensive) words;
[Сонан кейін-ақ суық үрей бойын алған жау шабуылға — жасқаншақ, қорғануға шорқақ]. суық үрей = cold fear;
[Буыныңды суық алған ғой…] суық алған = get cold (become ill) ;
[Осыған дейін қаперіңе кірмеген бір суық сезім жүрегіне шауып шошып қалды] суық сезім = cold feelings (presentiment, foreboding) ;
[Суық, ызғарлы сұлулығымен тек ертегілерде ғана кездесетіндей адам баласын таң қалд ырарлық бір ғажайып сурет…] cуық, ызғарлы сұлулық = cold beauty;
[….деген тағы да суық сыбыс естілді…] суық сыбыс = cold gossisps (unpleasant, bad);
[Ғаббас әлі күнге Ғайша сөзіне өзге жолдастарындай суық сынмен қараған жоқ-ты… ] суық сын = cold criticizing look;
[Бір мезгілде іргеден суық қол кіріп келді…] суық қол (cold hand) = thief;
[Ит байласа тұрғысыз «адам тұрып‚тіршілік жасап болмайтын‚ жайсыз‚ көңілсіз‚ суық үй‚мекен-жай»] суық үй = cold house = empty place;
[Сен бұзылған түсі суық дүниеге шошына қарадың…] суық дүниеге = cold world =
severe, cruel world;
[Әттең қазақтың салқын көңіл суық жігіті-ай!…] суық жігіт = cold guy = indifferent guy;
[Таң алдында жауған қардан кейін осынау буалдыр мұнар ішінде түсі суық түксиген дү ние – мұз да, жер де – түгел аппақ]. түсі суық түксиген дүние = frowning, dull world;
[Бұл суық жүріс әрбіреудің көңліне көмескі түйін байлады…] суық жүріске салыну → fool around/about;
[Керісінше, кісілігі жоқ адам «қара бет, суық, көк бет, қалың бет, т. т.» болып келеді]. суық бет = cold face = ungrateful, inhuman;
On the next stage of our survey we entered lexemes related to the semantic group of words such as cold and query «cold» returned 11623 hits in 1933 different texts (98,313,429 words [4,048 texts]; frequency: 118.22 instances per million words) [0.184 seconds].
[Now something more than a quelling look appeared on Lord Woodleigh’s fine-bred
features. Cold anger.] cold = anger;
[But then he turned towards the stairs and his face went grim and cold]. Cold face = indifferent, angry, severe look;
[..a mixture of soft words and cold fingers] cold = fear;
[This place isn’t beautiful, it’s miserable — bloody cold, bloody….] cold = frozen blood;
[I felt a cold thrill in my bones when I realized the implications of the word ‘hunters’…] cold
= fear, thrill;
[The martyrdom of his father in 203 left him with a cold antipathy…] cold = indifference;
[‘Why did he want people to cast a cold eye on him?’] cold eye = criticism;
[An enigmatic amalgam of cold ruthlessness and surprising kindness and sensitivity] cold = ruthlessness;
[The cold began to seep into her] cold = liquid;
[I love her but I take an intense, cold interest in noting the signs] cold = prudence;
[The gentle old men who took up the presidency of Lebanon had about them a streak of cold savagery…] cold = savagery;
[I fancied I could hear the cold laughter of market traders…] cold = severe, ruthlessness;
[roll in the swells for days, with the moisture beading the shrouds and the air as cold as charity…] cold = charity;
[Both Price Waterhouse and now Touche Ross have dallied with the Deloitte domestic partnership and been given the cold shoulder]. The cold shoulder = a show of intentional unfriendliness, rejection.
The analysis of the results demonstrate that the semantic structure of the English noun cold and суық contains the following meanings:
1. The prevalence of low temperature in the atmosphere or any object. Cold stands for a wide range of low temperatures. On the one hand, this word can mean temperatures below zero or close to zero, which can cause unpleasant sensations.
On the other hand, сold can mean a temperature much higher than zero, but much lower than the temperature of the human body. In this case, cold is not associated with any unpleasant associations:
2. Sensе of loss or lack of heat
3. Disease (common cold, runny nose)
4. Negative moral quality (cynicism, anger, soullessness, coldness)
5. Very low air temperature. Compared to cold frost, the degree of cold intensity is higher.
Frost means severe frost, causing a tingling or burning sensation
6. Low air temperature, unpleasant, piercing cold, causing trembling
7. Disease resulting because of the body cooling.
8. Sense of cold, chills as a result of fear, nervous tension
9. Unfriendliness, cold handling
10. Very low air temperature, very cold, causing unpleasant sensеs
Thus, the English noun cold and Kazakh суық have the same meaning “low air temperature”.
Cold also means a very low temperature, causing a burning sensation, pinching. frost can cause both unpleasant and pleasant associations that indicates a very high degree of cold, which is difficult to tolerate.
The English word cold and the Kazakh words “cold” and “суық” can mean a sensation caused by loss or lack of heat, fear or some kind of emotional stress.
The English word cold сan mean «illness as a result of cooling the body.» In Kazakh, in the analyzed words, such a meaning (get cold) салқын тию.
The meaning “endurance, composure, calmness in any conditions”, present in English cold, does not find equivalents in the structure of the analyzed English and Kazakh nouns.
As a comparison of semantic structures shows, words, having a complex semantic structure, do not completely coincide in their semantic volume with words of one language that are close in meaning and with their correspondences in another language.
A special role is played by the experience of direct interaction with the material world, reflected on the linguistic level, in particular, in the form of ontological metaphors. So a person through his own internal sensations gives an assessment of objects by physiological touch and sensory system, thus the perception of the external world is transmitted through tactile sensations, for example, how a person feels cold. So the cold awakens something unpleasant.
The analysis consists of two stages, corresponding, in our opinion, to two sequential transfer mechanisms. At the first stage, it was established that cool characterizes a manner of behavior. A «cool person»; means one who is said to behave in a manner resembling having a moderately low temperature. This metaphorical meaning of the adjective is the result of a transfer based on a comparison of the intensity of the manifestation of the emotional sensation with the intensity of the sensation of temperature: cool object = cool (controlled, restrained) feelings.
The next, we can distinguish the metaphorical transfer of the meaning of the noun, based on the presupposition that human actions bear the imprint of the state in which he is present:
In the study of possible motivation based on maintaining the initial image of a rather low temperature, the adjective’s metonymic value is the result of the transfer according to the “cause — effect” model based on the presumption that when a person is practically not worried, his body temperature is compared with the body temperature in an excited state seems “relatively low”: cool body involves cold feelings.
English cold can mean both light cold and severe cold. The word cold can be associated with both pleasant and unpleasant sensations. The essential meanings of “cold” and “суық” include the following meanings:
1. Low or relatively low temperature of something: cold air, cold water, etc.
2. Restraint, lack of warmth in relations with someone, in circulation
3. Impartiality, lack of temperament. As a comparison of semantic structures shows, words, having a complex semantic structure, do not completely coincide in their semantic volume with words of one language that are close in meaning and with their correspondences in another language:
1. Low air temperature.
2. The use of the word “cold” in the meaning of “low air temperature” can be associated both with unpleasant associations, for example: piercing cold, damp cold, exhausting cold, and with associations that do not cause negative emotions.
3. Unpleasant state or feeling as a result of cold, fear.
4. An unpleasant impression or feeling of alienation, loneliness, abandonment.
1 Lakoff G., Johnson M. (1980) Metaphors we live by/G. Lakoff, M. Johnson. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 191 p.
2 Goatly A. The language of metaphors. London and New York: Routledge, 1997. 360 p.
3 Chudinov, A.P. (2001). Russia in a metaphorical mirror: cognitive study of political metaphors (1991-2000). Ekaterenburg. Ural. gos. ped. un-t.
4 Khamitova E.R. The conceptual metaphor “nature – man” in the Russian poetic picture of the world of the XIX-XX centuries: linguistic and cultural and lexicographic aspects: Monography / Ed. Professor L. G. Sayakhova. — Ufa: RIO of BashSU, 2009.145 p.
5 Baranov A.N. (2014) Descriptive theory of metaphor /A.N. Baranov. M.: Yazyki slavyanskoj kul’tury, (Studia philologica) 632 s.
6 Teliya V.N. (1990) Metaphor in language and text/V.G. Gak, V.N. Telia, E.M. Wolf, E.O.
Oparina, T. Cherdantseva, X.D. Leemets, A.M. Shakhnarovich, N. M. Yuryeva, S.S. Gusev, E.A. Lapinya, N.A. Kozhevnikova, V.V. Petrov//Otv. ed. V.N. Telia. Moskva: Nauka, 1988, 176 p.
7 Sklyarevskaya G.N. (1993) Metaphor in the system of language/Red. ed. Acad. D.N.
Shmelev. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka, 152 s.
8 Boldyrev N.N. Cognitive semantics: Lecture course in English philology. Tambov:
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10. http://web-corpora.net/KazakhCorpus/search/?interface_language=kz
11. http://bncweb.lancs.ac.uk/
М.С. Оңғарбаева1, Р.М. Таева2, Т.П. Колесникова3, А.Т. Алимбаева4
Британдық және қазақ ұлттық корпустарындағы метеорологиялық метафораларды зерттеу
1,2,3,4әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті,
Алматы қ., Қазақстан
Берілген ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысы қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінің метеорологиялық метафораларының зерттеудің өзекті мәселелеріне арналған. Ғылыми жұмыстың авторлары метафорикалық мағынадағы cold/суық мағынасы бар сөздердің семантикалық құрылымындағы ұқсастықтар мен айырмашылықтарды анықтаған.
Бұл мақалада авторлар “суық” сөздерінің метеорологиялық лексикалық тақырыптық тобымен байланысты метафоралық мағынадағы лексикалық бірліктерді анықталған және олардың ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі сандық құрамы белгіленген. Зерттеудің практикалық материалдары BNC (Британдық ұлттық корпусынан) және NCKL (қазақ тілінің ұлттық корпусынан) жаппай іріктеу методикасымен анықталған метафоралық бірліктері болып табылады.
Ағылшын және қазақ сөздерінің семантикалық құрылымындағы cold және суық метафоралық концептуализациясындағы ұқсастықтары мен айырмашылықтары және эквивалентті де, бейэквиваленттік мағыналары көрсетілген.
М.С. Онгарбаева1, Р.М. Таева2, Т.П. Колесникова3, А.Т. Алимбаева4
Исследование метеорологической метафоры в британском и казахском национальном корпусах
1,2,3,4Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби,
Алматы, Казахстан
Данная статья посвящена актуальной проблеме изучения метеорологической метафоры казахского и английского языков. Авторы научной работы постарались выявить сходства и различия в семантической структуре слов со значением cold/суық с метафорическим значением.
В этой статье авторы предприняли попытку отобрать и систематизировать лексические единицы, получившие метафорические значения, связанные с лексической тематической группой слов cold/суық и определить их количественный состав в английском и казахском языках. Практическими материалами исследования послужили лексические единицы, извлеченные методом сплошной выборки из BNC (Британский национальный корпус) и NCKL (Национальный корпус казахского языка).
Выявленные сходства и различия в семантической структуре английских и казахских слов со значениями cold и казахским суық в их метафорической концептуализации продемонстрировали как эквивалентные, так и безэквивалентные содержания.