A.V. Aliyassova
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Scientific and
Organizational Work and International Cooperation, Innovative University of Eurasia, Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail:


In this article we study new tendencies of youth’s information socialization. These tendencies are connected with increasing influence of information, which became a new institution of socialization. We show that information socialization features are determined by youth’s cognitive characteristics, as well as emotional components of search, processing and transmission of information and new language forms, which appear in the web and become widely spread among other information spaces and spheres of communication. We present study results of personal and group communication of modern young generation in «real life» and in virtual space (N = 76). It is shown that social networks have become an important part of a contemporary youth’s life. Nowadays social networks form individual, subjective space of young people which begins to dominate perception of a world.
Key words: virtual communication, social networks, virtual space, personal space, social space, modern teenagers, modern technologies.


The space of socialization of modern man has noticeably transformed, expanded and become more complicated. These transformations are closely related to the processes of globalization, with the variability of modern culture, values, and norms. A sharp jump in the development of digital technology has increased the number of information flows. Along with the expansion of the information space, the process of socialization has changed. Networked virtual reality has tightly entered the life of modern society. The high density of digital flows surrounding modern youth allows us to talk about the information lifestyle of megacities [1; 2]. Of particular interest is the study of the role of network communication in the process of socialization of modern youth. The direction and content of information socialization can be determined on the basis of the process of self-categorization or group identity of a modern user. And the priorities and interests of a person, an identity group can be safely judged by the choice of the most preferred and significant source of information [3]. We spend countless hours on social networks that provide us with unprecedented opportunities for communication with each other. The Internet space for modern users opens up new possibilities. All the knowledge of the world has become available at a click, a new channel has appeared for self-expression and the implementation of a creative approach. But with the expansion of information flows, users are faced with the fact that really worthwhile information is drowning in a whirlpool of entertainment and fake news. Users are faced with the task of learning to navigate the variety of information flows, filter not only the information received, but also new virtual contacts. That is why the presence and maintenance of a personal account becomes a prerequisite for modern youth. In their blogs, users share their thoughts, attitudes towards ongoing changes in the world.


Following the main trends of modern society, we decided to conduct an express survey among modern youth in order to get a cut on the use of social networks. We have developed an express questionnaire that includes eight questions. A total of 76 respondents participated in the express survey. We conditionally divided these respondents into two groups according to their age: 46 respondents (17-19 years old) and 30 respondents aged 28-37 years. Summing up the results of the express survey, we can identify the main trends in the use of social networks by modern users. There is a tendency to search for information (including news) in social networks, blogs. Almost all respondents (89%) indicated that social media is the leading channel for obtaining information of interest to them. It is worth noting that we are not talking about new information, namely the search for the most interesting information. While leading media outlets go by the wayside, users want to find exactly the information that will confirm their knowledge. Thus, social media is an echo camera. For users, social networks are becoming a channel where you can find confirmation of your knowledge. The practice of echo cameras in social networks allows us to say that what a user receives from these channels is not new information, but previously received information in an expanded format, whether it be a lecture, video, live broadcast, which in turn is a confirmation of the existing ones beliefs/attitudes.
Unlike leading media, social media gives the user what they want to hear. We are entering an era when freelance is flourishing, and the media are becoming a platform for promoting ourselves, our creativity and our abilities. Along with this, there is a decrease in interest in the use of Vkontakte, Odnoklassiniki, Facebook and the transition to other sites. According to 100% of the opinion of users of the first age group (17-19 years) and 36% of the second age group (28-37 years), these social networks are out of fashion, now these are social networks for the older generation, moms, dads, grandmothers are sitting in them and grandfathers, teachers, teachers, etc. A more youth group switched to other networks, such as Instagram. There is also a trend towards analogue technology. There is a growing preference for reading printed books (65% of the entire sample), a return to vinyl records (51%). Users have a single account for the entire Internet, where they are identified with the real «I», almost all participants (97%) of the survey indicated that they use a real last name and name for their personal account, and their photos for the avatar. Users write under their own names, post information on areas of their interests, and show current events in their lives. Thus, social networks become a global database where you can get detailed information about each individual person.
The development of information technology opens up new opportunities for users. The use of digital technology in their daily lives was indicated by 92% of the sample. Among the current technologies, there are bracelets that track well-being, new applications that allow you to achieve sports results in the shortest possible time and on your own. Applications that allow you to track all sorts of new items, etc. Let’s focus on Applications using streaming video. This type of application is becoming popular among the youth sample (100%), and interest in using streaming video is also growing among the 28-37% age group (40%). At the moment, we can say that the Snapchat / Live application is aimed at a young audience who actively use gadgets and prefer to exchange not just text messages, but also funny pictures, photos, selfies and short videos [4].
An important advantage of Snapchat is the ability to adjust the life of the information. When exchanging photos, messages or videos with friends in Snapchat, you don’t have to worry about this information being stored on your phone, in your account or somewhere on the network. The program is designed so that the recipient can view the photo or video for no more than 10 seconds, after which they disappear. All users from the youth group (100%) appreciate this particular feature of the Chat / Live broadcast. From individual snapshots, the program allows you to collect your own snap history, which can be viewed an unlimited number of times, but only during the day, then the story will be deleted on its own. It is precisely the opportunity to broadcast live events of one’s own life that attracts the attention of a modern youth audience to a social network. In addition, users point to a feature such as transparency. According to users, thanks to the camera they have to stream their lives 24 hours a day.
There is a tendency towards transparency, users show their entire lives to other users online. Active users under the scrutiny of a large audience tend to be «better.» Let’s give an example of the response of an active user of the Instagram network: “You want to eat something tasty, you open the refrigerator, but you understand that it’s impossible that you are being watched, that you are broadcasting Online. And you are forced to take wholesome food and follow the “Proper nutrition”. Those. according to active users, constant monitoring from the outside, instant evaluation of your actions (likes, comments) make you “better”. You try to eat better, be active, attend events, share experiences, play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, etc. «Transparency» is becoming a universal trend among young people.


The data obtained make it possible to conclude that in modern social networks not only the youth’s need for information and contacts is realized, but also in the emotional saturation of this information and these contacts. Social networks are a subjective space in the ideas of modern youth. Social networks are important because many barriers are removed, including social ones. In conditions of transitivity, more and more space in the picture of the world is played by digital space, primarily social networks, blogs. It is social. Networks have one of the leading roles in shaping the picture of the world, because they expand the picture of the world and make it possible to meet the modern pace of life. Our last observation study can serve as evidence of this; we highlight several important points that determine this: avoiding control, broadening one’s horizons / exchanging information. Social networks are one of the most important parts of the picture of the world of modern adolescents. We can say that it is social networks that currently form the individual, subjective space of modern youth, which begins to dominate the overall picture of the world. The importance of social networks is associated with several factors:
— They help to remove (or significantly reduce) communication barriers (both personal and social);
— Expand the picture of the world, building different ideas about reality;
— They help to get a “virtual experience”, and decide whether I want to get this experience in reality;
— They make it possible to meet the modern pace of life; — Allow you to «live» a lot of different lives.

1 Марцинковская, Т.Д. Информационное пространство как фактор социализации современных подростков // Мир психологии. 2010a. N 3. С. 90–102.
2 Прихожан, А.М. Информационная безопасность и развитие информационной культуры личности // Мир психологии. 2010. N 3. С. 135–141.
3 Голубева, Н.А., Марцинковская, Т.Д. Информационная социализация: психологический подход [Электронный ресурс] // Психологические исследования: электрон. науч. журн. 2011. N 6(20). URL: (дата обращения: 27.12.11).
4 Голубева Н.А., Феноменология межличностного и межгруппового общения современной молодежи в реальном и виртуальном пространстве // Вестник РГГУ. 2018 N
2(12) С.45-60.

А.В. Алиясова
Қазіргі жастардың цифрлық кеңістіктегі феноменология тұрғысынан байланысы
Инновациялық Еуразия университеті,
Павлодар қ., Қазақстан Республикасы
Жастардың ақпараттық әлеуметтену процесінің жаңа тенденциялары қарастырылады, олар ақпараттандырудың жаңа әлеуметтену институты ретіндегі күшеюімен байланысты. Ақпараттық әлеуметтенудің ерекшелігі жасөспірімдердің танымдық сипаттамасымен де, ақпаратты іздеумен, өңдеумен және берудегі эмоционалды компоненттерімен де, Интернетте пайда болатын және басқа ақпараттық кеңістіктерде және байланыс аймағында кеңінен таралатын жаңа тілдік формалармен анықталатындығы көрсетілген. Цифрлық кеңістіктегі қазіргі жастардың тұлғааралық және топ аралық қарым-қатынасының зерттеу нәтижелері келтірілген (N = 76). Әлеуметтік желілер қазіргі заманғы жастар әлемінің маңызды бөліктерінің бірі екендігі көрсетілген. Қазіргі уақытта әлеуметтік желілер мен сандық технологиялар қазіргі заманғы жастардың жеке, субъективті кеңістігін қалыптастыруда, ол әлемнің жалпы көрінісін басқара бастайды.

А.В. Алиясова
Общение современной молодежи в диджитал-пространстве с позиции феноменологии
Инновационный Евразийский университет,
г.Павлодар, Республика Казахстан
В статье рассматриваются новые тенденции процесса информационной социализации молодежи, связанные с возрастающим влиянием информации как нового института социализации. Показывается, что специфика информационной социализации определяется как когнитивными особенностями подростков, так и эмоциональными составляющими поиска, переработки и передачи информации, а также новыми языковыми формами, которые появляются в интернете и широко распространяются на другие информационные пространства и сферы общения. Представлены результаты исследования особенностей межличностного и межгруппового общения современной молодежи в диджиталпространстве (N = 76). Показано, что Социальные сети являются одной из важнейших частей картины мира современной молодежи. Социальные сети и диджитал-технологии в настоящее время формируют индивидуальное, субъективное пространство современной молодежи, которое начинает доминировать в общей картине мира.

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