South-Kazakhstan Oblast Special Boarding School №1 with three languages education

The concept of the structure and content of general secondary education, the main goal of education is the formation of multiple personality, capable to realize the creative potential in the dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in their own vital interests, and in the public interest. In a rapidly changing economic conditions, only people with varied expertise, the ability to vary them, to use in non-standard situations, it may be socially protected, the competitiveness of the labor market. According to L. Maslow, we are going through a very special moment in history, connected with the fact that life is accelerated as never before. It is time a man capable of living in a constantly changing, constantly moving world. Development of creative abilities can solve the problem of adaptation to the new conditions, it allows the individual to work in ordinary everyday situations, to communicate to find different ways to interact with their environment, resolve problems, to find a way out of unsolvable, at first glance, the situations. The more complex is the environment in which a person has to act, the more likely it is required manifestation of creative abilities. This explains the relevance of these skills for the modern man.

The creative activity of professionals becomes an indispensable condition for social progress of society. A new approach to the interaction of science and industry suggests the need to rethink the essence of quality of educational process, imposes new requirements on the content of education, which should contribute to the development of creative and cultural identity. Of particular relevance acquire such components of educational content, as the development of experience of creative activity, emotional and value attitude to the world.

In the history of pedagogy problem of becoming the ability to be creative is always a lot of debate today is characterized by an unusually wide range of viewpoints. The process of formation of the creative person examined V.I. Andreev, S.I. Arkhangelsk, Yu.K. Babanski, V.P. Bespalko, L.G. Vyatkin, B.S. Gershunsky, V.V. Kraevski, V.A. Slastenin, V.G. Razumovsky, V.F. Shatalov, M.P. Schetinin, M.P. Erdni. The studies of V.I. Andreev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskii, A.B. Bruschlinsky, L.G. Vyatkina, Z.I. Kalmykova the important role of the school for the formation of creative abilities, as it is the children’s age sensitive period for their development.

Patterns of educational and creative activities identified V.I. Andreev, T.V. Kudryavtseva, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, V.G. Razumovsky, A.I. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutova. In the works of Yu.N. Kulyutkina, Ua.A. Ponomareva, O.K. Tikhonov proved that the success of teaching and creative activities often depends not so much on the level of formal logic, but on the heuristic, intuitive procedures of intellectual activity. One of the most important features of educational and creative activities — the emergence of a result of its implementation of new mental structures: knowledge, skills and creative abilities of the individual.

Problems of creative thinking are explored in the works of A.B. Bruschlinsky, Z.I. Kalmykova, B.M. Kedrova, A.M. Matyushkina, Ya.A. Ponomareva, C.L. Rubinshtein, T.V. Kudryavtseva, A. Matyushkin, A.Ya. Ponomarev, A.F. Eskulov justify the need for a pedagogy of creativity as an independent science. [2, p.155]

Global geopolitical and economic changes recently, new requirements for learning a foreign language. The growing demands for capable to communicate in a foreign language specialists led to some revision of the orientation of foreign language teaching. Today, more and more talk about the formation of foreign language communicative competence. The formation of such competence involves, first of all, the vitality, naturalness, and emotional simulations. New challenges require changes in the requirements for proficiency in a foreign language, the definition of new approaches to the selection of the content and organization of the material, the use of appropriate forms and controls.

Foreign language as a subject of general education can and must contribute to the development of creative abilities of students. With a huge educational, educational and developmental potential of the creative abilities of students, foreign language can implement it only in the course of practical training objectives, that is, only if the student in the process of foreign language communicative and cognitive activities (listening, speaking, reading, using the letter ) will expand its general educational horizons, develop their thinking, memory, emotions and feelings; If in the process of foreign language communication will form the socio-valuable personality traits: worldview, moral values and beliefs, character traits.

First of all, foreign language as an academic subject — it is an additional «window» to the world, it is a means to enhance knowledge in different areas of life, science and art, which is essential for general education, it is a tool to help implement activities in the various fields of labor and social life . In foreign language lessons, students deepen and expand the knowledge and many of the submissions received by them on other subjects: social studies, literature, music, history, geography, fine arts and others.

On the problem of the use of the English language in the formation of creative abilities in the educational process of turning many authors. However, the analysis of scientific and methodical literature has shown that the specific studies on the role of a foreign language, particularly English lessons as a means of formation of creative abilities, almost none. In spite of the continuing interest in the problem of development of creative individuality in the classroom in English, a large number of professionals, educators, and practitioners involved in this issue, it is not detailed theoretical justification.

In addition, despite the vast number of publications coming out in recent years, scientific-practical and methodical material to help teachers, is clearly not enough.

The impact on the individual, the formation of creativity enriches the emotional and practical experience, the mind develops, produces intellectual potential, contributes to the aesthetic education and mental abilities, leads to the accumulation of skills and knowledge, the development of natural instincts of children, their moral qualities. It sets a further, active and creative-conscious amateur school that meets their spiritual needs, satisfying their desire for self-realization, and manifestation of personal qualities. All of this is an effective means of integrated development of personality, revealing the formation of its creative potential.

English as a subject of general education can and must contribute to the development of creative abilities of students. With a huge educational, educational and developmental potential of the creative abilities of students, English language can implement it only in the course of practical training objectives, that is, only if the student in the English communicative and cognitive activities (listening, reading, speaking, using the letter ) will expand its general educational horizons, develop their thinking, memory, emotions and feelings; If in the process of English-language communication will form the socio — valuable qualities of personality: worldview, moral values and beliefs, character traits.

First of all, the English language as a subject — it is an additional «window» to the world, it is a means to enhance knowledge in different areas of life, science and art, which is essential for general education, it is a tool to help implement activities in the various fields of labor and social life . In English lessons, students deepen and expand the knowledge and many of the submissions received by them on other subjects: social studies, literature, music, history, geography, fine arts and others.

The impact on the individual, the formation of creativity enriches the emotional and practical experience, the mind develops, produces intellectual potential, contributes to the aesthetic education and mental abilities, leads to the accumulation of skills and knowledge, the development of natural instincts of children, their moral qualities. It sets a further active, creative — conscious amateur school that meets their spiritual needs, satisfying their desire for self-realization, and manifestation of personal qualities. All of this is an effective means of integrated development of personality, revealing the formation of its creative potential.

Creativity skills examples. Creativity is something that can be assessed in different ways at different stages. For example, in the initial application, employers will be looking out for any potential flaws. If you have simply pasted text from a website (including this one) they will spot it and filter you out. Copying isn’t really creativity, is it?

That said don’t go crazy trying to make your application new and original. Employers like to be able to process applications with ease. While ‘creative applications’ such as CV T-shirts, or advertisements aimed at CEOs have grabbed a lot of headlines, they certainly don’t have a 100% success rate.

At an assessment center, creativity and imagination are more likely to be tested with problem solving exercises. In interviews and psychometric tests you will be given lateral thinking exercises. The best way to tackle these is to make sure you understand the problem. Say it out loud, or write it out again on paper. These actions can help to stimulate the logical process, and may reveal the answer.

Do say: ‘When I was thinking about ways we could improve our figures I came up with an idea. I put together a proposal and persuaded my manager to let me run a trial. It was so successful that it was included in our strategy.’ – What employers really want to hear about here is that your creativity had a significant positive result.

How to develop creative skills. One of the best ways to develop creative skills is to set up a student society. This will give you a lot of opportunities to exercise your creativity. You will need to figure out how to attract members, raise cash, and organize events and more. These all require initiative, but this is also an excellent forum for brainstorming innovative ideas.

Another good place to try out your creative skills is at a part-time job, or even on work experience or internships. This is more likely to happen at smaller organizations, since you will need to agree to test out the idea with the manager. You will need to agree a benchmark for success and measure the popularity of the project.

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